Star Wars: The Mandalorian is created by Jon Favreau and premiered its first season on November 12, 2019. It was followed by season two on October 30, 2020, on Disney+.

Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California

In Season Two, Bo-Katan was seen asking to duel Din so that she could obtain the Darksaber through combat. During the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California Favreau dropped the big news. Watch the 4 days of Star  Wars Celebration. Upon listening to this, the present audience blew out in happiness. There was relief that season 3 of their favorite show is finally coming.

Soon after at the event, a teaser of the season was displayed. The teaser was only made available to the present attendees and was not made public yet.

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Star Wars Anaheim Celebration 2022

The Mandalorian season 3’s teaser suggested that Kryze Katee Sackhoff’s Bo-Katan Katzee will be posed as the main antagonist in the series. Favreau further continued to telt, ” To have the partnership of Katee Sackhoff, I had performed as a voice actor alongside Bo-Katan as Pre Vizsla, so that was fun to see myself on screen with her. I never really got to know her, I knew her as Starbuck from the Battlestar days. What would happen is as I would start to write storylines and I would talk to Dave (Filoni) and say, ‘Hey, is this a character that you think might fit in because it’s The Mandalorian and she’s one of the most famous Mandalorians in canon?’ The collaboration with these existing characters was the first challenging part of the writing for me because I was dealing with all all-new characters“.

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Star Wars: The Mandalorian poster

Favreau on The Mandalorian Season 3

When Favreau came across Bo-Katan, Filoni stepped in and they partnered up for the creation of the character. “When I was dealing with Bo-Katan, that was a Filoni character so we realnered up on how she would be, who would play her, how she would look, and what her character would be like”, said Favreau.

Season 3 might poss that Bo-Katan the now revealed antagonist, and Din Djarin resolute their differences. “Having those two characters weave together, I think, really caught people in an unexpected way. Two sets of Mandalorians that actu very different co-existing in the same world, so, now as we go into the next season, we start to realore what that means and how those characters might see eye to eye or maybe not get along at all“, expresses Favreau.

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Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni on Star Wars: The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian Season 3 is set to be streamed in February 2023. Moreover, it has also been announced that a Season Four is on the way too.

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