Original series on Netflix Marvel television programs have their own fan following. The shows show us exactly how evil these heroes may be. Among these, Daredevil was a huge hit, both in terms of the character’s presentation and how the plot was handled. The program opened the door for a lot more of the other characters to appear in a later series in the form of a character team-up. Because Marvel said that the Disney Plus show WandaVision is the first series related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, these shows are not yet deemed canon. This might be due to the fact that not all the Netflix shows were huge successes. The Iron Fist television series was a flop among fans of the character. Here’s how the new Iron Fist short film outdid the Netflix program in terms of portraying the hero.

Immortal 65:

Immortal 65 portraying Iron Fist
A Still Of Immortal 65 portraying Iron Fist

Immortal 65, a film by Rogue Origin films, recounts the story of Iron Fist precursor Orson Randall facing the Hand and the Crane Sisters in New York City in 1948. The eight-minute Iron Fist short film revolves around the many parties vying for ownership of the Book of the Iron Fist. Josh Mabie directs the film, which stars Christian Howard as Orson. Rogue Origin is also responsible for fan films such as Cowboy Bebop, Fatal Fury, and Naruto. The video contains some of the greatest martial arts routines, and it may be the channel’s best short film to date.

The short film can be seen here:

Immortal 65: An Iron Fist Live-Action Short Film

Netflix’s Iron Fist:

Finn Jones Playing Iron Fist
A Still Of Finn Jones Playing Iron Fist

Based on the first season, the Netflix series Iron Fist was badly received by both fans of the character and reviewers. Considering the character is a renowned Kung- Fu expert in the Marvel universe, the battle sequences in the episode were very bad. This was eventually improved in The Defenders and the series’ second season. When compared to the comic books, the visual depiction of his abilities in the movie was also not very nice looking, since his fists just had a yellow glow.

Immortal 65 Playing Iron Fist
Immortal 65 Playing Iron Fist In His Short- Film

Immortal 65 marked a significant development and better portrayal of the Iron Hand, as we see Randall’s fist really explode into flames when he harnesses his chi energies. Iron Fist might make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe shortly. We can only hope for something more akin to the Immortal 65 version than the Netflix series.

So here you have it: A new Iron Fist Fan-Made Short Film that is better than the Netflix Series. To be honest with you guys, Immortal 65 really is an amazing actor, and he portrayed Iron Fist really well. Eventually, this short film was way better than the original series. So what do you guys think about this short film? Do let us know in the comments down below. Till then, we will see you lads in the next article, but don’t forget to keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination for getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies and TV series, celebrity gossip, and much more. We have got you all covered. Continue reading Animated Times, guys, for more.

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