Are you worried about your Nintendo Switch System overheating? If yes, then there’s a piece of good news for all of you. Game tech will be launching it’s new cooling fan this week.

How does the new peripheral work?

Cooling Fan


It might look a bit ludicrous at first sight. But the product manages to cool down the system by a maximum of thirteen degrees. The fan attaches to the back of the portable unit. Nintendo’s fan has a fairly absorbing design.

It connects to the fan using six detachable suction, and it charges via the batteries or the included USB cable. The peripheral is mainly for the use of  Nintendo Switch but we can also use it on other devices including our mobile phones.

There’s no information regarding the extra weight it will give to the handled. But we are expecting that it’ll make the experience a bit uncomfortable.

Connection between the Product and the Location

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The acceptability of the peripheral will differ from place to place. Releasing the product in Japan makes a lot of sense. Summer is hot and humid in Japan, and the temperature rises to 35 degrees.

Game tech is also located in Japan so that we can expect a good sale of the product here. However, people in countries like the UK where the weather is grey and miserable won’t need it.

More About Nintendo Switch

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Currently, it is unlikely that Game Tech’s Gamers Mobile Cooler will see an official domestic release. However, Switch owners can pick up the peripheral from sites such as Amazon Japan and Play-Asia, for around $30.

As per schedule, the peripheral will be launched on May 15th, so players living in places that get fairly warm in the summer should be able to lay their hands on it before the hottest months hit.

Are you interested in buying the product? Go and get yours and share your experiences in the comment section below.

Sources: ComicBook, Wikipedia

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