The Rock Nearly Confirms Henry Cavill Returning as Superman in Black Adam Post-Credit Scene, Fans Hopeful For Restoring the Snyderverse
Dwayne Johnson has been on an unbelievable run of late, making the star one of the most respectable and high-grossing stars ever.
Dwayne Johnson realized a bit of successes in successful franchises like “Fast and the Furious” and “”Jumanji” which are his most recent hits, turning him among the most of the most recognizable actors in Hollywood and not forgetting, and one of its highest-paid actors.
Dwayne Johnson Is Set For Black AdamA

The only big set to continue with its storyline into the superhero world with the upcoming “Black Adam” for DC Comics where he is a unlikely team-up with Ryan Reynolds and Gal Netflix action movie “Red Notice.”
But first, there’s Disney’s “Jungle Cruise (opening Friday in theaters and on Disney Plus), in which he teams with Emily Blunt for this latest adaptation of the classic Disney ride.
Dwayne Johnson Started His Career As A Footballer, Not a Wrestler

Johnson didn’t decide to go int wrestling straughtaway. He loved football. After he was a star in high school game, he even went on to for the Miami Hurricanes in college. While he was at school, Johnson began just once but h went on to appear in 77 tackles and 39 games. He was also a part of the national championship team (1991).
Johsnon suffered some very serious injuries to both his back and shoulders, although he could have gone on to continue his career in NFL, however, he turned to professional wrestling, gaining enough recognition frm his years’ stint.
Dwayne Johnson Struggled In The Beginning of his Career

Instead, the millionaire went on to playe in the Canadian Football League, making only $250 a week and getting cuts too. “The dreams I had, they’re dashed,” he recalled later. “There is no more football. My relationship was crushed. That was my absolute worst time.”
Johnson Has Always Wanted A Superman-Black Adam Crossover:
In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I'm broke as hell and one day I won't be. #UCanAchieveAnything
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) December 14, 2011
Johnson Also Posted Crytic Tweet with a Black Adam-Man of Steel image, hinting at a possible showdown
A short cameo of Man of Steel in Shazam! but it was never proved if it was Henry Cavill himself. Here is the tweet:
From back in the day when I was wrestling in flea markets for $40 bucks a match, all the way to now.
I’ve learned to always listen to the audience because they will always lead you to where you need to go.
I hear you & I always got you 👊🏾😉#BlackAdam @SevenBucksProd— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) July 1, 2022
In a recent Newsweek interview, Dwayne Johnson revealed that he, at the moment, has no ongoing legal agreement going on with the World Wrestling Entertainment due to his long-time relationship with Vince McMahon who knows that he can always trust him with just one handshake rather than a full-length contract. It shows his imsense trust in al his partners and keeping inind Dwayne’s example, you should always trust in yourself in order to enhance and make your brand to the top of the whole world.