• For Deadpool & Wolverine, the crew initially thought about adding a female Juggernaut into the mix considering the movie is a multiversal adventure.
  • Most users commented how Marvel dodged a bullet by scrapping this idea as many people would have complained about the same.
  • After being drafted to military service, Cain found the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak which transformed him into a superior being of excellent strength and durability.

Deadpool seemingly enjoyed getting split in half by Juggernaut in the second movie which is why Ryan Reynolds must have been keen to involve the character somehow in Deadpool & Wolverine. Aaron Reed, a bodybuilder played the iconic role of Juggernaut who was in Cassandra Nova’s gang in the wastelands.

Regardless, Deadpool & Wolverine had a wide array of cameos and special appearances that delighted viewers beyond comparison. The movie reignited the lost spark of the Marvel fandom as they thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in the nostalgia experience. However, there was once a murmur to include the female version of Juggernaut in the movie as well.

Female Juggernaut concept art revealed

Juggernaut in Deadpool 2 | Credits: Fox Studios

In Deadpool & Wolverine, Juggernaut plays a crucial role as his helmet is needed to stop Cassandra Nova’s mind-bending powers. His helmet repulses Nova’s technique and prohibits anyone from entering the wearer’s mind. This is how they are finally able to conquer Nova and establish an upper hand.

For Deadpool & Wolverine, the crew initially thought about adding a female Juggernaut into the mix considering the movie is a multiversal adventure. In some alternate universe, Juggernaut is bound to be a female character.

Aaron Reed as Juggernaut in Deadpool & Wolverine
Aaron Reed as Juggernaut in Deadpool & Wolverine | Credits: Marvel Studios

However, due to some unknown reason, that idea was scrapped and we had a male Juggernaut in the movie. The concept art behind the female Juggernaut has been revealed and fans are not happy.

Most users commented how Marvel dodged a bullet by scrapping this idea as many people would have complained about the same. Die-hard Marvel fanatics would have argued the relevancy of a female Juggernaut when the comic books don’t mention such a character. Marvel would only have indulged this idea to gain points from the people who strive for equal representation and made their fanbase angry in the process.

How did Juggernaut gain his powers?

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Juggernaut in Comics | Credits: Marvel

Just one look at Juggernaut is enough for viewers to know he’s super powerful and throws mighty punches. In the comics, Juggernaut is Cain Marko, who goes through terrible ill-treatment at the hands of his abusive father after his mother passes away. His origin story is closely linked to Charles Xavier as the two grew up together. Cain’s father married Charles’ mother and the two spent their early years together as stepbrothers.

However, due to mounting jealousy and an irreversible pang of betrayal, Cain was never able to accept Charles as his own and vowed to always stand against him. After being drafted to military service, Cain found the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak which transformed him into a superior being of excellent strength and durability. Thereafter, he spent all his waking moments seeking revenge on Charles.

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