James Gunn gave a powerful addition to the DCEU and that is The Suicide Squad. The Guardians of the Galaxy director once again proved that his vision is something that cannot be compromised. Moreover, this also gave room to the Twitter campaign trending with #ReleastheAyerCut. Coming back to the topic, Gunn actually did not leave a single inch as it’s full of minimal details. That is exactly what makes his movies fun to watch. But I assure you, here are 30 details that you missed while watching The Suicide Squad.

1. Doctor Doctor!

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The doctor who inserts the bomb into Savant’s head is actually the one who created The Suicide Squad comic books. More importantly, Amanda Waller!

2. John Ostrander’s character’s name is Dr. Fitzgibbon.


Ostrander is the one who plays the doctor. His name is Dr. Fitzgibbon who is named after Gunn’s lifelong friend Larry Fitzgibbon. 

3. Harley Quinn is over the Joker!

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In 2016’s Suicide Squad, Quinn wore a jacket that said “Property of the Joker.” But in 2021, her jacket reads, “Live Fast, Die Clown.” Quinn is officially out for love and chaos.

4. Reference to The Flash TV series.

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When Amanda is going through her files, it is seen that Savant has also served time in Iron Heights. It’s a famous DC prison also seen in The Flash TV series.

5. Bloodsport vs. Superman

Bloodsport put Superman in a coma
Bloodsport put Superman in a coma

Actually, Waller is not joking, Bloodsport actually sent Superman into a coma with a Kryptonite bullet. This is actually from DuBois’s DC comic debut in Superman Vol. 2 Issue #4, courtesy of Lex Luthor. Moreover, this makes up for a great Bloodsport sequel. 

6. King Shark Is An Avid Reader.

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The scene where Nanauem is reading while in Belle Reve, it’s a straight nod to the 2013 comic Suicide Squad Issue #12. However, King Shark is seen reading The Essential Rumi in that issue. 

7. Savant’s Long Hair

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When Bloodsport is cleaning bathrooms, it’s actually Savant’s hair that he pulls out from the shower drain.

8. Ratcatcher 2 Loves Her Dad.

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In the scene where Ratcatcher 2 is introduced, she has a picture of her dad on the wall along with drawings of rats.

9. Dig At Chriss Pratt

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James Gunn fooled around with Pratt’s name. Many rats were used to portray Sebastian, and one of the rats was named Crisp Rat. However, Gunn and Pratt will be seen working again in Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

10. Notable DC Villains!

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Villains like Kaleidoscope, Calendar Man, and Double Down were clearly seen. But they actually didn’t get much screen time but they were still there. 

11. All Hail John Ostrander!

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Task Force X’s mission is to take down Joutnheim, which is directly taken from Ostrander’s first Suicide Squad comic.

12. Another DC Comic Reference.

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The ant-hero team has to go to the Corta Maltese team. However, this place is pretty famous in the DC Comics and was first mentioned in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns comic books.

13. Ramifications To Harley Quinn.

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This is one of my personal favorites. While Robbie is reprising her role as Harley Quinn, the character underwent many changes. Such has her face tattoos. Well, she no longer has “Rotten” written on her face.

14. Joker really wasn’t boyfriend material.

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Forget the jacket, Quinn made it clear that she is not Joker’s property by getting a tattoo on her back!

15. Another tattoo reference!

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For me, it’s Harley that has some of the best-hidden details. Her forearm tattoo is a straight reference to her patent red, white, and black outfit from DC Comics.

16. Polka-Dot Man Connects To The Bigger Picture.

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Polka-Dot Man told that her mother worked for S.T.A.R. Labs. It’s pretty famous in the DC world as Victor became Cyborg there. It is also a prominent element of The Flash TV series.

17. Straight From The Comics.

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Rick Flag’s bright yellow t-shirt represents his comic look which was not seen in Ayer’s Suicide Squad.

18. Waller’s Golf Day With Senator Cray.

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Senator Cray is a corrupt politician whose son takes on the mantle of  The Atom. He’s also on Oliver’s list on Arrow. 

19. Guardians of the Galaxy In The Suicide Squad!

Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy

If you didn’t notice, then some actors from GOTG did a cameo in The Suicide Squad. Can you name them?

20. Llyod Kaufman – The Man Behind James Gunn.

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Kaufman gave Gunn his start in the world of movies. Hence, he can be seen in the dance scene. He’s the co-founder of Troma Studios. Kaufman also directed The Toxic Avengers.

21. Harley Hates Every Aspect Of Joker

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Quinn mentions her hatred towards the personalized licensed plate. This is a nod to Joker’s license plate which read “HAHAHA.”

22. Smooth Movie Reference.

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Rick Flag refers to the Pixar movie Ratatouille and Remy. He gives this nickname to Ratcatcher 2, and you obviously know why. 

23. Gunn Derived A Lot From DC Comics

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The Thinker reveals the starfish’s original name which is Starro the Conqueror. This is also taken from The Brave and the Bold Issue #25 which was his debut. This also marked the first appearance of Rick Flag and the Suicide Squad. 

24. Rick Flag’s Death At Jotunheim

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Even in the comics, Rick Flag dies at Jotunheim. But in the movie, he is killed by Peacemaker. Whereas in the comics he was killed in an explosion.

25. Peacemaker Gave Bloodsport The Winning Edge.

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It was actually Peacemaker who allowed Bloodsport to win in the battle. He earlier told his strategy of using smaller bullets that go inside bullet holes without touching the sides. However, Peacemaker miraculously survived.

26. John Refers To Starro As Kaiju

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When Starro is finally revealed, he is referred to as “Kaiju” by John. This is a direct reference to the Japanese film genre featuring giant monsters such as Godzilla. Kaijus were also a huge part of the Pacific Rim.

27. Bloodsport & Ratcatcher Live Up Their Promises

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In a heartwarming scene, Bloodsport and Ratcatcher promise each other that they’ll get out of this mission alive. In the climax, Bloodsport saves her from being squashed by Starro, and then Ratcatcher unleashes a troop of rats on the giant starfish.

28. GBS Is Run By Villain Morgan Edge!

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Bloodsport’s daughter is watching a live broadcast of her father fighting Starro in Corta Maltese. The footage is being played on Galaxy Broadcasting System which, in the comics, is very often run by the villain Morgan Edge.

29. David Ayer In The Credits.

David Ayer Suicide Squad (2016) director
David Ayer Suicide Squad (2016) director

James Gunn did not fail to impress me again. He puts David Ayer on the top of the list of The Filmmakers Would Like To Thank. Ayer is the one who directed 2016’s, Suicide Squad.

30. Peacemaker Had To Survive!

HBO TV Series Peacemaker
HBO TV Series Peacemaker

The post-credits of the movie were huge. Well, the reason why Peacemaker was not killed is that he will now be reprising the role in the upcoming HBO Max series titled Peacemaker. With this, James Gunn will return as the director and John Cena will reprise the role again.

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