A Twisted Metal Tv series Is In Development, Still No Official Word From Sony
Sony had recently announced that it was planning on adapting some of its video game series into movie and TV series formats, and it appears the first of those has already been revealed. Coming on the heels of that announcement is the news that A Twisted Metal TV series is reportedly in the works. Some say that the information was revealed by Sony Pictures during an investor relations meeting which took place recently. If this information is accurate then it’ll be the very first known project from the new Sony PlayStation Productions division. Moreover, it does seem to fall in line with the unit’s goals that we learned after it was announced.
Where Did The News Of The Twisted Metal TV series come from?
The first news of this supposed Twisted Metal TV series came from a user on ResetEra who said the project had been revealed by Sony Pictures’ CEO and chairman Tony Vinciquerra. The executive reportedly told those present at the meeting during the Q&A segment that production has already begun on the series. News of this TV series that’s supposedly being worked on has been picked up by other sites and shared by some who are known for accurately sharing gaming news, but Sony has still yet to make an official announcement to the public about the project.
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It Will Bode Well For Sony’s PlayStation Productions
The timing of the announcement, if it is indeed real, would line up nicely with the recent news of PlayStation Productions and the new group’s plans for film and TV projects.
It was announced on Monday that Sony PlayStation Productions had been formed to pick out the PlayStation properties which were best suited for adaptations and see those through with the help of Sony Studios. The group will be helmed by Asad Qizilbash, vice president of marketing at PlayStation, and will be overseen by Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman of Worldwide Studios Shawn Layden.
One thing from Layden’s talks with The Hollywood Reporter that stands out a lot when it comes to Twisted Metal series is that when talking about the goals for PlayStation Production’s projects, Layden said the movies and TV shows produced would give fans another way to interact with their favorite properties, especially those that go years without releasing another game. In terms of that, The Twisted Metal series certainly fits that bill. Layden says:
“We want to clear an opportunity for fans of our games to have more touch points with out franchises. When fans beat a 40-50 hour game and have to wait three-four years for a sequel, we want to give them places they can go and still have more of that experience and see the characters they love evolve in different ways.”
Any confirmation from Sony still hasn’t come regarding the Twisted Metal series and even if it gets confirmed, it will likely be a while till it gets released.
(Source: comicbook.com and culturedvultures.com)