The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series for AMC based on the comic book series by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard which showcases A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.

The degree of creepiness

 walking dead whisperers mask
Creepy series! watch on one’s own risk

As if the idea of Negan concealing his face with a Whisperer skin mask wasn’t scary enough, actor Jefferey Dean Morgan revealed what he conspiratorially did to make the sight even creepier.“I went to [special effects artist] Greg Nicotero when the mask was being built…and had asked only one question,” recalled Morgan in a tweet. “Was there a way to cut a smile into it? No other mask has one. Greg being Greg…thought it was the ultimate idea, VERY negan. And did it. HENCE it is the coolest.”

Steps taken to gain the trust

 walking dead series
Heart – wrenching scenes that can haunt one for days

The Walking Dead’s tenth season has seen Negan merge with Alpha and her gang of Whisperers tracing his escape from Alexandria. He has been trying to gain the trust of Alpha and her followers, and one way includes donning the fleshy skin and sleeping with Alpha. The shocking moment came during Season 10’s midseason premiere.


 walking dead series
Romance does find it’s way even in horrifying situations

“It smells. Not cuz of Sam, she smells delightful,” Morgan stated of his Walking Dead co-star Samantha Morton, who plays Alpha. “Crud they are made of, smells…decidedly not delightful,” Morgan explained. “Lips don’t even touch, its mask all the time. Not to take the romance out of the moment…but it ain’t even a tiny bit that. Plus we were laughing at the absurdity.”

The Walking Dead 10x09 "Negan & Alpha Kiss" Season 10 Episode 9 [HD] "Squeeze"

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