“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”- Ayn Rand.

Some famous celebs have the most wealthy as well as the most luxurious lifestyle and have fortunes worth billions of dollars. These all had come through years of hard work and passion these stars have put towards their only goal. Which was to entertain our fans throughout their tenure in the Hollywood film industry. But these artists have already decided what they are gonna do with their money, which can feed up to two generations after they die. There is no doubt that this money didn’t just grow overnight on a tree. But it instead came from years of dedication and working for hours no matter what kind of weather there was, from these elite stars. So they have decided that all their money would go to charity instead of going to their offsprings. Some of the stars have already begun doing charity work through foundations where they spend a lot of money.
In contrast, few have already died and didn’t leave a single penny for their heirs, endeavoring a more extraordinary fate for their destiny. These artists’ goal is that they want their kids to stand on their own feet out of the crowd and work hard enough as there parents or even more than they ever did.
Thus leading their life happily and on one’s Jack Jones. So that no one can ever put the finger on these star kids that they are dependent on their parents’ wealth and whatnot. So we at Animated Times have decided to find out who these stars are. Sounds interesting… Then let’s hop right into it.

1. Jackie Chan:

Jackie Chan

2. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis:


3. Simon Cowell:

Simon Cowell

4. Gordon Ramsay:

Gordon Ramsay

5. Elton John:

Elton John

6. Gene Simmons:

Gene Simmons

7. George Lucas:

George Lucas

8. Sting:


9. Nigella Lawson:

Nigella Lawson

10.Mark Zuckerberg:

Mark Zuckerberg

Just imagine if you get a chance to be as rich as these famous people for once in a lifetime.
Like super-rich that your wealth is enough to feed your next generation for their lifetime. So would you give your wealth to then so that they can enjoy life on your wealth that you have earned with your hard work, passion, and dedication, or you would do the same thing what these 10 famous Celebrities did? Let us know what you think in the comment section down below, and what do you think of our list should we make more of these? For more freshly brewed content, keep reading Animated Times.

Source: Quickry Bite

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