The modern meaning of fitness is the ability of a person to perform a specific role or a holistic sense of human adaptability to manage in different situations. The fact is, no celebrity is born with a muscular physique. It is always gained over time by remaining focused. All these celebrities’ work had on their body and give us transformation goals.

Chris Pratt

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Pratt reportedly hit the gym and lost about 35lb in six weeks under expert supervision

Chris Pratt’s naughty talent to make us laugh has not altered much throughout the years, but his body surely has. Pratt’s exercises involved sessions of running, kickboxing, swimming, P90X, boxing, and a triathlon also.

Cristian Bale

Cristian Bale body transformation
Bale survived on one can of tuna and an apple a day, plus coffee and water to get this look

Cristian Bale is a master of the transformation; he has done various specific exercises to “thicken his neck” to fulfill the requirements of his movie performances physically. Bale’s most remarkable transformation was for the film The Machinist in 2005.

Kumail Nanjiani

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Here’s what the jaw-dropping transformation looked like.

Kumail Nanjiani is destroying the internet with his new body physique in some of the Kim Kardashian like style. However, when Kumail confirmed up for Marvel’s Eternals, Nanjiani knew that he would have to go for a notable transformation. 

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth giving fitness goals
Chris Hemsworth gained quite a bit to achieve the physique of Thor in Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The mighty Thor is the best example of an absolutely muscular physique. Chris attained quite enough to achieve the frame of Thor in Avengers: Age of Ultron. His diet includes chicken, fish, and some daily protein bites to obtain a favorable function.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey has had an admirable physique

McConaughey picks a celebrity coach Gunnar Peterson to help train for his performance in the movie Magic Mike. He also goes through a significant transformation for his performance as Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyers Club.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal gained a lot of weight for the role of a boxer in Southpaw

While there is a Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio diet and workout plan in the living, it’s the one; the Spiderman star affirmed for 2015’s Southpaw that we are mostly engaged in.

Jared Leto

I walked, the way I talked, the way I felt about myself, the way people treated me.” he said.

Jared Leto has a specific history with increasing weight for a role. Leto increased his weight for the movie Chapter 27, where he presented as John Lennon’s assassin.

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