Nothing could be better than a wholesome encounter between a fan and a celebrity. Most of the celebs are like us, aren’t they? But sometimes, some of them turn out to be even better than what we expect.

These are some of the encounters between fans and celebs that went better than expected –

Topher Grace

Topher Grace in That 70’s Show
Topher Grace in That 70’s Show

A Reddit user and his girlfriend met Grace at a bar in San Diego. Topher Grace was surrounded by a group of extremely pretty girls. The Reddit user and his girlfriend were discussing how much they loved That 70’s Show when Grace approached and introduced himself very politely. Later, three of them had a conversation about everything to anything for quite a long. The Reddit user echoed the encounter as “very cool.” Once Grace left the couple, they were discussing how nice he was to them when a person standing behind echoed loud “Yeah, Topher is a chill dude.” It was Tony Hawk.

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds in Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place
Ryan Reynolds in Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place

This Reddit user met Reynolds before he officially became a celebrity. She was in the ladies room when Ryan Reynolds came in and used the stall behind. Once he came out of the stall, he gave a puzzled look to her. Within no time, Reynolds apologized but she mentioned not to worry as she is not going to report him. While Reynolds wasn’t that famous at that time, the Reddit user found him cute enough to chat. Once Reynolds spotted her, he approached to get into a conversation. The Reddit user referred to the conversation they had and echoed “It was very funny and flirty. We had a great conversation.” After two months when Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place showed up, she recognized Reynolds and wished him success.

Kristen Bell

Credits: Webmd
Credits: Webmd

Reddit user, Hailey­_i, stated that Kristen Bell is one of the most down-to-earth and sweetest person one will ever meet. Hailey worked at a hotel spa when Kristen paid a visit. It was perhaps one of the busiest weekends. Most celebs prefer booking slots through an assistant or aliases, but Hailey was shocked seeing Bell walking down to book her own spot. Considering Hailey’s encounter with Bell, she claimed that “Kristen Bell is exactly the same as she appears in the TV interviews.”

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt in Troy
Brad Pitt in Troy

Reddit user, Heiminator, met Brad Pitt when he was filming for Troy in Malta. Heiminator was appointed as a group leader to the students on a holiday trip. He spotted Pitt walking out of a café in Malta but surprisingly, the celebrity took time and clicked a lot of pictures with the kids. He was very polite and nice to everyone in the group. Some teenage girls in the group even fainted seeing him for real. Heiminator referred to the incident as a “Hilarious day all around.”

Chadwick Boseman

Chadwick Boseman in Marvel’s Black Panther
Chadwick Boseman in Marvel’s Black Panther

This Reddit user was working as an extra when he met Boseman. While the extras were not supposed to talk to the lead actors, Chadwick struck up a conversation with him. The celebrity asked him about how he was doing and also appreciated him for all the work he was doing. The Reddit user echoed that “He was a sweet person, genuine, and an incredible actor.”

Source: Reddit and Ranker

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