With 18 distinct Pokémon types within the original establishment, the conceivable outcomes are endless with regards to creating a Pokémon. Some Pokémon even have two sorts like Tyranitar, a Rock/Dark-type. In any case, imagine a scenario during which you took the present Pokémon and altered their original forms? Fortunately for us, u/abz-art  on Reddit utilizes their imaginative abilities to reconsider our favourite Pokémon as various types.
Whether it’s drawing Blastoise as a Fire type Pokémon or Mewtwo as a Fighting type Pokémon , these stunning sketches will knock your socks off.

Support the amazing artist /u/abz-art on Reddit and check out other amazing art on their Instagram !


1.  Haunter –  Electric type

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abz-art / Reddit

2. Arbok – Ghost type

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abz-art / Reddit

3. Mawile – Grass/Dark type

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abz-art / Reddit

4. Dragonair – Ghost type

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abz-art / Reddit

5. Blastoise – Fire type

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abz-art / Reddit

6. Charizard – Grass type

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abz-art / Reddit

7. Raikou – Fire type

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abz-art / Reddit

8. Altaria – Electric type

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abz-art / Reddit

9. Entei – Water type

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abz-art / Reddit

10. Gengar – Electric type

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abz-art / Reddit

11. Mewtwo – Fighting type

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abz-art / Reddit

12. Pichu – Dragon type

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abz-art / Reddit

13. Pikachu – Dragon type

abz-art / Reddit

14. Raichu – Dragon type

abz-art / Reddit

15. Dragonite – Ghost/Flying type

abz-art / Reddit

16. Venusaur – Water type

abz-art / Reddit

17. Moltres – Electric type

abz-art / Reddit

18. Articuno – Fire type

abz-art / Reddit

19. Suicune – Electric type

abz-art / Reddit

20. Zapdos – Ice type

abz-art / Reddit

21. Snorlax – Ghost/Psychic type


abz-art / Reddit

22. Gastly – Electric type

abz-art / Reddit


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