I recall getting into insult battles on the playground, trying to come up with the right retort to a particularly well-laid ‘Yo mom’ joke. Actually, I’m not thinking about insult fights as much as rap wars, and I’m not thinking about myself as much as I’m thinking about Eminem, but the point is: a well-landing retort is better than, well, anything It’s a good idea to consider before you speak on the internet. However, for those who don’t think twice before posting or commenting, there are plenty of individuals online who are ready with a smart retort or the perfect burn. We were able to compile the greatest comebacks from the week thanks to the Reddit site for these Clever Comebacks.

10. Free Health Care:



9. A Book Can Teach You:



8. A Third Hangover Movie:



7. The Most America Thing Ever:



6. Talking To Your Imaginary Friends:



5. Sponsor An American:



4. What Does That Say?



3. Probably Never Heard Of Them:



2. Save Me A Lot Of Money:



1. You Rip Those Yourself?


So, yes, these are This Week’s Top 10 Internet Comebacks. Well, what a hilariously comeback these were. I literally laughed my ass off while compiling this list. So what do you guys think about these comebacks? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. For the time being, keep reading Animated Times, the perfect place to get a closer look at the entertainment industry, upcoming movies, TV series, celebrity gossip, and much more. We’ll have you covered. Keep reading animated times, guys, for more.

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