Russia has reportedly built a time machine that moves tiny particles a fraction of second into the past. Scientists have explained it as being capable of moving the smaller than atom sized particles in the opposite direction of the “arrow of time.”

Did Researchers in Russia create Time Machine

The experiments conducted saw negatively charged electron particles that constitute an atom, found in the realm of quantum mechanics, which is the study of sub-atomic particles.

Giving the analogy for a game of pool, where balls were substitutes for the electrons. After the break, the balls get scattered in a rather haphazard way, if we go by the laws of physics. But scientists managed to get them back into their original triangle order, appearing as if all of them were turned back in time. This was done using a quantum computer.

Time Machine In Russia
A ‘time machine’ that moves tiny particles a fraction of a second into the past has built in Russia, scientists have claimed. The team gave the analogy of a break for a game of pool. The ‘balls’ scattered and should have appeared to split in a haphazard way. But researchers managed to make them reform in their original order in the snooker triangle (pictured) (via Daily Mail)

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Researchers from the Moscow Laboratory of the Physics, Institue of Physics and Technology state that they have defied the second law of thermodynamics.

We are talking about the rule that takes care of the direction of events that take place from past to future, suggesting that everything in our universe moves towards decay.

The “time machine” is made from a quantum computer which comprises of “qubits”. These are units of information, defined by “one”, a “zero” or mixed “superposition”. This can be stored on an electron. An “evolution program” was launched which made the “qubits” to become an excessively complex pattern of zeros or ones.

During the process, the order was lost, just when the pool balls are hit with a cue. A program modified the state of the quantum computer in a way that “evolved” backwards, right from chaos to order.

This caused the state of qubits back to its original point. To many, it would seem like time started running backwards, as stated by Laboratory lead researcher Dr. Godfrey Lesovik.

‘We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time.’

The time machine consists of a quantum computer comprised of electron qubits. The researchers also found out that when they worked with two qubits, the “reversal of time” took place with an 85 percent success rate.

When three qubits were taken, more errors happened, with only 50 percent success rate. The scientists even claim that this could be a practical application in quantum computers development.

‘Our algorithm could be updated and used to test programs written for quantum computers and eliminate noise and errors,’ said Dr Lesovik.

How Does Quantum Computer Works?

Time Machine Quantum Computer
A scanning tunneling microscope shows a quantum bit from a phosphorus atom precisely positioned in silicon. Scientists have discovered how to make the qubits ‘talk to one another (via Daily Mail)

The Quantum Computer works on its ability to operate on the basis of the circuit, and not on being only “on” or “off”, but getting a state that’s both “on” and “off”.

While this may seem bizarre, it’s down to the quantum mechanics laws which take care of the behaviour of particles which make an atom.

Matter acts in many ways at this micro scale, which would be impossible at a macro scale of the universe we are in.

Quantum mechanics make these small particles exist in different states, also called “superposition” until they’re interfered with or seen.

Binary code is the heart of modern computing and has served the systems for decades. While a normal computer has bits, a quantum computer has “Qubits”, which may take the value of zero or one, or perhaps both.

Via: Daily Mail, News Max

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