It seems that Marvel Studios’ Loki series for Disney+ is officially a work in progress. Tom Hiddleston, the actor who plays Loki in the MCU, shared the news with a photo shared through his official Instagram account. His caption said, “Team Loki. Prep has officially begun! See you in the New Year.” attached with a group photo with him and other members of the Loki team.

Plot Surrounding The Upcoming Loki Series

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The Loki series will debut in early 2021 on Disney+

Loki’s solo series follows the version of the God of Mischief who used the Tesseract – the Space Stone – to escape during the events of Avengers: Endgame. However,  this Loki is the same Loki who just got himself captured after the attack on New York. Essentially, this could mean that this Loki wouldn’t have most of the Loki that fans saw till his death in Avengers: Infinity War. Michael Hadron will be the head writer on the series, while Kate Herron directs the series. The series will supposedly set up for the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which will release in theaters later in 2021.

Additional Cast Member To The Loki Series

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With Loki’s shapeshifting abilities, there have been instances where he transformed into a female body and went by the name of Lady Loki

Sophia Di Martino is also expected to appear in the series. Rumors surrounding her casting indicate that she may play a female version of the God of Mischief. It’s still unsure whether that means if Loki transforms into Lady Loki, or that Loki meets a female version of himself during his travels across the multiverse. However, given the history of the trickster God in the comics, there’s an equal chance of it being either or both.

Tom Hiddleston On Loki

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Tom Hiddleston first appeared as Loki in Thor (2011)

Tom Hiddleston revealed his journey of playing the character, also teasing that the upcoming Disney+ series will be a change of pace. “It is a constant source of surprise and delight that these films have connected with people,” Hiddleston said in June. “I knew he was a complex figure. Intelligent yet vulnerable. Angry and lost and broken and witty. I thought it was an amazing opportunity and it’s grown into this network of movies. I could never have expected it. Another exciting thing about being at this place at this time and goes back to the number of characters we have and the number of stories we could tell… When we announced ten movies and people asked ‘Well what about these other things?’ the previous stance would be ‘We only have a certain number of slots to make movies per year.’ That’s still true but we have another outlet that I think will be very unique and very special.

Source: Comicbook, We Got This Covered

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