Venom has already received an “88% liked it” rating on Rotten Tomatoes, getting ahead of “A Star Is Born” which has earned 84% rating on the website.

However, on Metacritic, Venom has a 5.8 user score, way below than the 9.2 user score for Lady Gaga’s ‘A Star Is Born.’

Despite receiving a bad critical score (31% rotten), Venom currently holds an 88% “fresh” score on Rotten Tomatoes, while ‘A Star Is Born’ has received a 92% fresh critic score on the website.

Earlier this week, a set of Lady Gaga fans were accused of bolstering the opening weekend for Venom through online bots. Venom is expected to win the battle with an estimated $55 million to $70 million in the domestic box office over the weekend, and a potential $170 million worldwide.

Venom already had a record-setting Thursday night preview ($10 million), getting ahead of 2011’s Paranormal Activity 3 ($8 million). Even if the estimated numbers for Venom fall down, the film will easily get ahead of 2013’s George Clooney starrer Gravity, which made $55.7 million over its opening weekend.

Venom has a reported budget of $100 million and Sony hopes to use the character to launch its own universe of Marvel Characters. The film sees Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, an investigative reporter and his alien alter-ego, Venom. Hardy has already signed a three-movie deal with Sony.

Sony currently owns around 900 Marvel Characters, as revealed by Columbia Pictures President Sanford Panitch. The film ends with an end-credits scene, teasing a sequel.

Venom is running in theatres worldwide.

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