• Fans are upset over Hulk being used as a comedic tool.
  • Hulk deserves a better storyline and character to do justice to his powers.
  • Future projects by Marvel may save the character.

When we were introduced to Dr. Bruce Banner, we saw him as a timid yet smart scientist who was capable of greatness. After an experiment goes wrong, he receives an alter ego called Hulk who likes to smash things angrily. This is when we saw the true potential of a superhero who can destroy armies in mere minutes.

However, as we got more movies featuring the giant green monster, his abilities and strength seemed to deteriorate, leaving fans confused as to why would a superhero like Hulk go out of power so soon. The saturation point came in Avengers: Endgame when Hulk seemed to be afraid of Thanos and perpetually stuck in the Hulk state with Banner’s personality.

Marvel’s Hulk Arc Angers Fans

Mark Ruffalo in the role of The Hulk
Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk | Marvel Studios

A user on social media recently raised a question to the people of X (formerly Twitter) whether Hulk received an upgrade or a downgrade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some people were indeed divided on their opinion, but ultimately one common sentiment rose through.

Marvel did not do justice to the iconic character’s storyline. Hulk deserves more recognition and more screen time in the cinematic universe rather than being used as a tool for comic purposes. Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok certainly opened more windows of opportunities to explore another, more humorous side of the character. But in that process, Marvel should not have sidelined his powers and abilities.

Even in She-Hulk, Banner’s Hulk gets thrown around for nothing. From a well-reputed scientist who creates weapons and intricate devices, we see Banner’s personality being dumbed down to nothing.

Hulk in Avengers: Secret Wars
Hulk in Avengers: Endgame | Marvel Studios

Ruffalo’s Hulk has not even gotten a solo project. These aspects sadden fans beyond compare. Marvel’s future horizons look promising with great new projects, but they need to fix Hulk’s narrative if he is featured in upcoming projects.

Marvel’s Promising Future to be Announced at Comic-Con

Harrison Ford is a part of Captain America: Brave New World
Anthony Mackie as Captain America | Marvel Studios

One of the most promising Marvel projects currently is Deadpool & Wolverine. That one movie holds the potential to rewrite Marvel’s reputation and get the studio back on top. With the convergence of the MCU and the mighty X-Men, fans might just witness greatness in theatres when the movie is released.

Along with that, the San Diego Comic-Con is around the corner, as fans wait to see what Marvel Studios announce under their upcoming projects category. Fans expect new announcements regarding upcoming movies like the Avengers series with new heroes along with a possible Thor 5. These updates might indeed infuse new life into the franchise as new heroes take the baton from the past beloved heroes and usher in a new era of superhero-hood.

Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters on July 26th. 

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