Violet Evergarden’s Turbulent Journey Left a Deep Impression on Series Director for a Heartwarming Reason Every Fan Can Relate to
The Violet Evergarden series is certainly one that leaves quite an impact on the viewers. The heart-wrenching story that revolves around the young war veteran, Violet Evergarden, is one of Kyoto Animation’s many beautiful works of art. Though KyoAni is known for its beautifully written emotionally driven animes, Kana Akatsuki’s light novel certainly stands out from the rest.
Violet Evergarden, effectively gives its viewers a new outlook on life. However, it would seem that it wasn’t just the viewers who were affected by the anime. Director Haruka Fujita recently explained the state she was left in after the production ended for Violet Evergarden.
Violet Evergarden’s director explains what she felt after wrapping up production for the series

During an interview with the director of the iconic anime by Kyoto Animation, Violet Evergarden, Haruka Fujita dived deep into the feelings she went through as she wrapped up the production for Violet Evergarden. Like most viewers who were left with a deep impression and better understanding of human emotion, Fujita claimed that working on the show had the same effect on her.
When asked to elaborate on her feelings, Fujita replied by stating;
“Honestly speaking, it doesn’t feel over at all. Although we got hung up over many things throughout production, reaching the point where Violet is finally able to say, ‘I even understand, a little, the words “I love you”’, I feel that her growth has been truly extraordinary. ‘I understand, a little’ is difficult to say, right? I feel that she was only able to say these words precisely because she faced difficult and painful situations head-on, and so one day I want to be able to say these same words as well.”

It is safe to assume that there were no stones left unturned, with the work that went into the production of Violet Evergarden. And Haruka Fujitabeing being drawn to the story and its protagonist ever since reading it, might have played a factor in the kind of quality which was evident in the animated series.
Haruka Fujita gives her first impression of the main character from Violet Evergarden

Fujita, during the same interview, claimed that she had read Kana Akatuski’s light novel when it was submitted for the Kyoto Animation Awards. And she stated that the novel felt like it was cheering the readers on. However, it would seem that the main character in Akatsuki’s light novel was what had drawn her to the series in the first place. During the interview, she said;
“Although the protagonist, Violet, felt somewhat otherworldly, for some reason I had the feeling that, if it was her I could open up in a conversation. Even with something trivial, if it was her I think I would look forward to just how she might respond. It was with this strange sense of charm that I was drawn to Violet.”
The Violet Evergarden franchise has won quite a few awards, with some of the most notable wins coming for their breathtaking animation. Violet Evergarden: The Movie, bagging awards for best animation at the IGN Summer Movie Awards, Crunchyroll Anime Awards, and Anime Trending Awards.
You can stream the Violet Evergarden series on Netflix.