Shonen Jump‘s popular action/comedy series, Sakamoto Days, has finally received official confirmation of an upcoming anime adaptation, as well as, the first trailer, teaser visual, and release window. Bringing the most recent information on Shonen Jump titles, the first installment of Jump Press debuted on Shonen Jump‘s official YouTube account.

Sakamoto Days Manga Illustration
Sakamoto Days Manga Illustration | Manga Plus

Sakamoto Days‘ January 2025 release date was disclosed along with an exciting debut trailer and a heartfelt statement from manga creator Yuto Suzuki. The first Sakamoto Days teaser image and trailer are shown below for readers to enjoy.

Fans Of Sakamoto Days Don’t Want The Series To Gain Popularity

Color page for the 82nd chapter of Sakamoto Days
Color page for the 82nd chapter of Sakamoto Days | Shueisha

While Sakamoto Days does not enjoy immense popularity unlike other mangas of similar genres, fans have been waiting for the manga series to be adapted into anime. Not anymore, it seems. And it can all be owed to one fandom, and that is Jujutsu Kaisen.

As most things do, it all started with a post on X (formerly Twitter), when a user @megumilodon posted a side-by-side picture of Taro Sakamoto in his younger days and Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen and commented that the character design looks like a fusion of Gojo and Geto.

This sparked a debate on the platform, with Sakamoto Days fans claiming that they don’t want anything to do with the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom. Things got heated when an X user, @suguruismylife, posted that the fans of Sakamoto Days should be grateful that Jujutsu Kaisen is apparently giving their show a promo.

Sakamoto Days Is a Fan-Favourite And Potentially The Next Big Anime

Sakamoto Days characters
Sakamoto Days characters | VIZ Media

Sakamoto Days fans have reason to be excited about the upcoming anime series. The series also ranks among the top 10 best-selling manga series to have premiered this decade and is renowned for its wacky and dynamic fight sequences and stellar art.

SAKAMOTO DAYS - Official Teaser Trailer | English Sub

The Sakamoto Days manga series has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump since 2020. The series so far has been collected into 16 volumes, with Volume 17 set to be released next month in June 2024. VIZ Manga describes the manga as such:

Time has passed peacefully for Sakamoto since he left the underworld. He’s running a neighborhood store with his lovely wife and child and has gotten a bit…out of shape. But one day a figure from his past pays him a visit with an offer he can’t refuse: return to the assassin world or die!

Masaki Watanabe is taking the helm of Sakamoto Days, a veteran who worked on series like Code Geass and Fruits Basket. Taku Kishimoto will be the series’ compositor, and his work on Blue Lock, Magi, and Haikyuu!! should make fans optimistic about the anime direction. You Moriyama, the concept artist of Attack On Titan, Vinland Saga, and Mob Psycho 100, will serve as the character designer.

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