Christopher Nolan Movie, Ranked According to Popularity

By Anadya Narain

Warner Bros. 

Before Oppenheimer hits theaters, take a walk down memory lane to see how all of Nolan's films rank according to popularity. We delve into the creative process and beauty of Nolan’s films. 

Warner Bros. 

7. TENET (2020)

A visually amazing puzzle for film lovers to unlock, Tenet serves up all the cerebral spectacle audiences expect from a Christopher Nolan production. 

Warner Bros. 

6. FOLLOWING (1998)

Super brief but efficient, Following represents director Christopher Nolan's burgeoning talent in tight filmmaking and hard-edge noir.

Warner Bros. 


Interstellar represents more of the thrilling, thought-provoking, and visually resplendent filmmaking moviegoers have come to expect from the writer-director.

Warner Bros. 

4. THE PRESTIGE (2006)

Full of twists and turns, The Prestige is a dazzling period piece that never stops challenging the audience. 

Warner Bros. 

3. BATMAN BEGINS  (2005)

Brooding and dark, but also exciting and smart, Batman Begins is a film that understands the essence of one of the definitive superheroes. 

Warner Bros. 

2. INCEPTION (2010)

mart, innovative, and thrilling, Inception is that rare summer blockbuster that succeeds visually as well as intellectually. 

Warner Bros. 


Dark, complex, and unforgettable, The Dark Knight succeeds not just as an entertaining comic book film, but as a richly thrilling crime saga. 

Warner Bros. 

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