Tiny Movie Cameos By Super Famous People

By Anadya Narain

Here are some small cameos by super famous people that left a big impact!

Bill Murray In 'Zombieland'

Bill Murray leaves the audience in shock as well as in fits of laughter with his short but extremely funny cameo in zombieland.

Stan Lee In Every Marvel Movie Ever

The creator of Marvel often appeared in Marvel movies with his iconic glasses which swayed the hearts of the audience.

John Cena In 'Barbie'

Audience was left in shock when Cena appeared in the Barbie movie as Mermaid Ken to wave hi and drink his brewski beer.

David Bowie In 'Zoolander'

Bowie, the king of 70s Rock music hilariously appeared on Zoolander to judge a walk off between the two leads.

Mike Tyson In 'The Hangover'

Mike Tyson had a small but very iconic scene that left the viewers in stitches in The Hangover.

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