One of the most loved characters from Harry Potter was Ronald Weasley. Most Harry Potter fans felt kind of a connection with him. But where is he today?


The Relationship Between Ronald Weasley And Rupert Grint Started Getting Blurred 

Rupert Grint, who played Ronald Weasly in the Harry Potter franchise, enjoyed his experience for the most of its part. But being one of the successful stars of such a huge franchise had its own challenges for the young actor. Grint was eleven years old when he cracked the role to play Ron Weasley in Harry Potter. The character became so famous that the actor even struggled to remember his life before. As a result, the actor started feeling lost along the way, and with such a massive level of fame; it is not possible to get rid of the character either.

Rupert Grint reprising Ronald Weasley in Harry Potter
Rupert Grint reprising Ronald Weasley in Harry Potter

The situation got worsened as the years went by. The actor in an interview revealed that he has come to a point where he is not aware when Ronald ended and Rupert began. He echoed that the line between Ronald Weasley and Rupert Grint is becoming thin with each project and now they’re somewhat the same person. While the actor made quite a fortune playing Ronald in Harry Potter, his estimated net worth is somewhere around $50 million today.

Rupert Distanced Himself From Weasley

Daniel Radcliffe, who played the titular character in Harry Potter, made sure that his fans could become aware of the fact that he would have left the franchise behind when he appeared on stage in Equus in 2007. While it was not as similar to that of Grint’s case, the roles Daniel took after Harry Potter were quite a far cry from Weasley. Rupert tried to change his look and took the role of Cheetah Chrome in CBGB.

With that being said, Grint tried to actively seek roles that might help him get painted in a new light. However, the actor himself agreed that the process was less conscious and more natural as a progression.

He Is Now Considering A Career Change

Rupert Grint said playing Ron was “suffocating” at times
Rupert Grint said playing Ron was “suffocating” at times

After going through an identity crisis and becoming a father, the actor is now thinking of changing his career. He recently revealed that he is toyed with walking away from films and acting and becoming a father full-time. He later added that he is planning to do something that would be completely different, for example – carpentry or building. The actor even underwent miniature making during the lockdown.

Will He Ever Come Back As Ronald?

Rupert as “Mister Smokey Eyes”
Rupert as “Mister Smokey Eyes”

Rupert had mixed feelings when he came to know that Harry Potter is soon going to expand with an HBO Max TV show. When he was asked that whether or not he’d return as Ron, he replied that it would be quite a weird thing even for the franchise if it trades a continuation kind of thing. He added that “I would never say, ‘absolutely no.’ It was a huge part of my life, and I’m very fond of that character and their stories. So yeah, I mean, I’d be up for it at the right time.”

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