Why The Avengers Game Is A Missed Opportunity
The best thing about superheroes has always been the crossovers. Even before the drop-in, drop-out appearances of characters within the MCU, who didn’t love to see the Hulk come face to face with Wolverine, in the comics? But what about when it comes to the superhero video game?
The recent Spider-Man video game has broken records. Not only is it a great game in itself, but the story and world-building really did Spidey justice.
And then came the announcement of an Avengers game.

Of course, people began talking of a join universe but there was an instant problem. The two games were developed by two different companies.
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Not that that’s stopped people before. The Spider-Man game had direct references to the Avengers, amongst other Marvel superheroes. Unfortunately, after the release of The Avengers game trailer, all rumours were put to rest. It was announced that the two gaming properties existed in two separate universes.
This doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. It just means, for the time being, the Avengers will fight their own battles without the help of Insomniac’s Spider-Man. We won’t get to see any kind of team-up, or any kind of special DLC. It’s probably the one thing that would’ve boosted interest in The Avengers. Square Enix has received lots of scepticism regarding the game, even after the trailer for it was released at E3.
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Maybe we’re just being selfish. The developers have clearly worked on two unique gaming styles and designs and bringing the two together might be asking for trouble. At the end of the day, we’re still getting both games. Just without the joy of connective tissue.
It’s just unfortunately come at a time where it seems DC are going to get ahead of the curve. Their hugely successful Batman games look set to gain another entry – alongside a Suicide Squad game. A shared video game universe isn’t an impossible task, it seems. It’s just clearly one that needs a behemoth amount of planning.
Source: What Culture