Black Mirror season 6 is a flagship science fiction animated series by Netflix, which gained wide popularity and fan base in a concise period.

The plot of the series in quite familiar with The twilight zone. The episodes are not interconnected with each other.

In each episode, the casting crew is put in a situation similar at some point in time but soon takes a turn around towards the black.

black mirror logo of s4
Writer Charlie Brooker explained that each episode is having a different plot, different scenarios, and even different actors, but they are someway similar to the way we live our life.

Many of the black mirror episodes are scornful and inclined towards more contemporary society, unlike the twilight zone.

The writer explained the title of the series black mirror as the gap between the enchantment and stiffness of technology. The plot is quite complicated as the genre isn’t similar to the nowadays ongoing web series.

miley cyrus episode from black season 5
Till now, there is no official confirmation about black mirror season 6, but Netflix hasn’t canceled the series either.

During May in an interview by Radio Times when Charlie was asked about updates of Black Mirror season 6.

He said that “At the moment, I don’t know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling apart, so I’m not working away on one of those. I’m sort of keen to revisit my comic skill set, so I’ve been writing scripts aimed at making myself laugh.”.

When further asked, he said, “I’ve been busy doing things. I don’t know what I can say about what I’m doing and not doing, leaving the audience utterly clueless about his upcoming plans. We can guess that it is a tactic to keep the fans away from any clues and maintain the secrecy of season 6.

black mirror season 6 casting crew

From the fans prospectus, if we think then season 5 was released way back in June 2019 and 4th season in December 2017. So most probably, if season 6 is going to be streamed, then it will be streamed in 2021. This just an arrow in the dark; there is no rigidity about it.

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