Will to arrange meeting between Tarzan and John Carter

The character of John Carter is from the 2012 American science fiction film, which was based on a novel: A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The film is about interplanetary adventures of John Carter and the attempts he makes to mediate the civil unrest among the warring kingdoms of Barsoom.

When Tarzan meets John Carter

Tarzan, Conqueror of Mars
Tarzan, Conqueror of Mars
The book is described something like this:Tarzan discovers himself on a weird and treeless piece of land, a dying planet which is inhabited by creatures quite unknown.Lonely on Mars, Tarzan must learn to survive in an unfamiliar environment like this. With no hope of rescue in heart, Tarzan starts the journey of being a friend-zoned stranger on an alien world to his ultimate rise.

Conclusion  :

How will Tarzan manage to go up against these fearsome creatures? How will the story unfold? Who will loose to whom? Everything will be interesting to know.

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How Captain America Was Able To Use Thor's Hammer In Avengers

Sources: CBR, Google Books

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Riya Singh

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