Marvel is actively exploring the multiverse which is pretty evident with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The trailer has made it pretty clear that we will be seeing a few more variants. Ever since Loki introduced the concept of variants, fans have been wondering what else can come with it. But speaking of Marvel characters, the fans are pretty bummed by the fact that Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is gone. But did you know that there have been a lot of Captain America variants? Today, we will look at some of the worst variants. Well, check it out!

1. Hydra Cap

Worst Captain America variants
Worst Captain America variants

How would you feel if Captain America was all about Hydra? Well, there was a variant where Steve, when restored to youth, worked full time for Hydra. The cosmic-powered Kobik brought back Steve but under Red Skull’s influence, his mind was altered. This backfired as Cap took down Skull and took control of the organization. The worst part is, even though so many heroes were against him, he believed he was in the right and continued. Kobik later allowed the pure Steve to come back.

2. Nomad


This version came in the 1976 storyline where Cap finds out that the head of the evil Secret Empire is a government official. Cap’s trust in America is broken and he leaves his costume behind as he finds it difficult to wear it. He then wears a ridiculous outfit and goes by the name of Nomad fighting crime in America. This, however, didn’t last long as Red Skull would eventually return and Steve faces him as Cap only.

3. Samantha Wilson

Worst Captain America variants
Worst Captain America variants

This storyline continued after the success of the 2014 Spiderverse which has Gwen as the Spider-Woman and fans instantly loved it. An entirely new universe was explored and here, Samantha Wilson was an engineer, and a good one, but she was held back due to the prejudice at the time. She was working with the Super Soldier Program when Hydra agents attacked. Due to this, Steve was badly injured and hence, Samantha was the one who ended up becoming Captain America.

4. Super Soldier

Marvel & DC amalgamation
Marvel & DC amalgamation

Everybody would love to see the two best characters from Marvel and DC getting together. In this case, it’s Captain America and Superman. Super Soldier wasn’t a hit and it came across as cheesy. The costume wasn’t catchy and the amalgamation wasn’t just sorted. While many can argue that the character did embody the best of Cap and Superman, it didn’t strike out considering other Amalgam characters.

5. Age of X

Worst Captain America variants
Worst Captain America variants

This is another villainous interpretation of the character where he basically leads the Avengers to kill the entire mutant kind. Surprisingly, it was Mystique who got into Cap’s head. Seeing Cap on the evil side is just too unsettling. However, he does have a change of heart shortly after Mystique shares her piece of mind. But the fact that he butchered innocent mutants doesn’t fit well.

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