Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Under Investigation For Consumer Rights Violation
Sony Interactive Entertainment, Microsoft and Nintendo along with their consoles Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One may be soon in the water. It was announced today by Markets Authority and The Competition that an investigation has been launched to check into the business practices exercised by Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony which may violate consumer rights. The Markets and Competition authority, which prevents anti-competitive activities in business in the U.K. It has now written these three top companies to give information about their online gaming contracts.
PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox Under Investigation, as per CMA

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As per the CMA, the intentions consist of checking if the terms of contract are fair. For instance, it checks if the auto renewal process is fair or not and how easy is it to cancel an order or get a refund. The second part sounds interesting as Sony updated its refund policy, which makes it easier for customers to have their refund. Maybe, they knew this was coming!
No Proof Of Violation Yet

For now, CMA has nothing which suggests us about any of these companies are violating the consumer protection law, but if it does come across any evidence, you may expect legal action.
“Roll-over contracts are becoming more and more commonplace and its essential that they work well for customers,” said CMA chief executive Andrea Coscelli in an official statement.
“Our investigation will look into whether the biggest online gaming companies are being fair with their customers when they automatically renew their contracts, and whether people can easily cancel or get a refund.
Coscelli went on:
“Should we find that the firms aren’t treating people fairly under consumer protection law, we are fully prepared to take action.”
Sadly, the CMA doesn’t give a timeline of what we can expect but we should have more updates on this very soon. Stay tuned.
(Via Games Industry)
Source: Comicbook, Games Industry