The release of the highly anticipated trailer of Rebel Moon, the upcoming sci-fi epic directed by Zack Snyder has sparked both excitement and criticism. It was not just the visuals and narratives of the trailer that ignited discourse on social media, but a fiery comment from Zack Snyder’s wife and his team in regards to Star Wars.

Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon
Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon

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Producer of Rebel Moon Expresses Satisfaction Over Film’s Independence from Star Wars Universe

The team of Rebel Moon has expressed their satisfaction over the film’s independence from the Star Wars Universe. The movie which was once supposed to be part of the Star Wars, has now been shifted to Netflix and the producer of the movie is nothing but happy.

Talking about this Zack Snyder’s wife Deborah Snyder has expressed her contentment as the original Star Wars version of Rebel Moon did not happen. Talking to the Slash Flim Deborah Snyder said “Once, it was a Star Wars film, and I never wanted it to be. I remember, I said to Zack, ‘I just feel like your hands are going to be tied so much in what that IP is,’ even though it kind of lived outside of it. So, I was kind of happy when that fell apart because I always felt like it was better.”

Zack Snyder and his wife
Zack Snyder and his wife

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Not only Deborah Snyder another member form the Rebel Moon team also expressed his happiness over this news. Talking about this Eric Newman said “I remember [Zack] calling me at some point, and this has got to be 15 years ago, saying, ‘I’m thinking of doing Seven Jedi, in the Star Wars universe.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, that’s a cool idea.’ Then, a few years later, he calls me and goes, ‘You know, I think it could be a television show.’ I’m like, ‘Yes, let’s do this! Fu*k Star Wars! Let’s do this as a TV show.’

Even though fans are more than excited to see the movie, the comment Fu*k Star Wars by the Rebel Moon team has sparked fans’ dissatisfaction.

Fans’ Reaction to Fu*k Star Wars Comment by Rebel Moon’s Team

Even though Zack Snyder’s fans have been excited about his upcoming movie, the recent comment by the team has angered many. Taking on Twitter (Currently known as X) many fans have criticized Zack Snyder and his team for their comments towards Star Wars.

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Rebel Moon
Rebel Moon

One user pointed out that even though the team does not want to be part of Star Wars, Rebel Moon still looks like a rip-off, of the franchise.

Another user criticized the team for using Star Wars to market the movie and referred to it as a horrible tactic.

While yet another user criticized Zack Snyder tweeting “What a joke. The vibe I’m getting is Rouge One for sure. When asked what was his inspiration, he said he was inspired by Heavy Metal comics mostly. He didn’t mention Star Wars. What director out there that does SCI FI and is not inspired by Star Wars? (original movies). Snyders a clown”

Even though many fans have come out in support of the movie and Zack Snyder they are still very upset with the team’s comments against Star Wars.

Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire is set to premiere on Netflix on Dec. 22, 2023.

Source: NME, Twitter

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