• The actor who plays Jesse Pinkman on the show Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul, had a tough time keeping his emotions in check during one particular table read.
  • The scene shows Walter telling Jesse how he had to shoot Mike in one of those inavoidable situations.
  • The reason behind Jesse’s emotional response is that Mike was one of the few people he could trust and rely on.

Without a doubt, Breaking Bad is one of the best television series to date. The show has garnered critical acclaim as well as a wide fanbase and has proven its relevance in modern society. Following a high school chemistry teacher’s tryst with a crime when he discovers his illness, Breaking Bad shows the extent to which a man can go to provide for his family.

Starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in central roles, the show went on for five seasons which charted Walter White’s trajectory from a model citizen to becoming akin to a crime lord. The timeless show has managed to impress everyone in the industry as well as every viewer who ever stumbled upon the show.

Aaron Paul couldn’t hold back tears at the Table Read for one Crucial Breaking Bad Scene

Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston
Breaking Bad changed Aaron Paul’s life | Credits: AMC

The actor who plays Jesse Pinkman on the show Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul, had a tough time keeping his emotions in check during one particular table read. Before filming the ninth episode of the fifth season, the table read for the show had everyone on the edge of their emotional states. Especially Paul, who had to read through the revelation of the death of one of his character’s closest people, couldn’t hold back his tears.

The scene shows Walter telling Jesse how he had to shoot Mike in one of those unavoidable situations. He tries his best to convince Jesse that he had no intention of killing Mike but he did so to protect himself. On the other hand, many fans believe that Walter did so because he felt threatened by Mike’s challenge to his pride.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad | Credits: AMC

The reason behind Jesse’s emotional response is that Mike was one of the few people he could trust and rely on. Though they started off on the wrong foot and did not like each other, Jesse and Mike soon come to like each other and become good friends. Mike even ends up mentoring Jesse on certain fronts which makes Jesse respect him more.

The gut-wrenching scene when Jesse learns of Mike’s death is hard to watch. This even made Paul break down while reading the script and the scene. However, in the actual scene, we see Jesse hold it all together and go numb at hearing the news. Subsequently, we learn what a great actor Paul truly is as he lets his subtle yet empty look in the scene communicate more sadness than tears ever could.

Did Walter White intend on Killing Mike?

Bryan Cranston
Bryan Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad | Credits: AMC

This question has been raised in the Breaking Bad fandom for a long time. Though we see Walter’s character go from a mild-mannered teacher to being a tough and feared crimelord, we are also introduced to characters who bring about this change in Walter. He feels his pride threatened at every turn and he chooses to eliminate anyone who challenges him. Therefore, when Mike refuses to give Walter the names of the people he is looking for, Walter wastes no time in killing him.

While the murder is said to be done as an act of impulsion, many fans believe Walter came prepared to remove Mike from his way. This is why he had a gun already packed and loaded in his pocket. He may have come prepared in case things went south, but by season five, Walter is known for being harsh on his enemies and leaving no stone unturned.

Breaking Bad is streaming on Netflix.

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