The DC Universe is set for a new reboot, with James Gunn and Peter Safran leading the DC Studios. In this list of upcoming projects, there is the Lanterns series, which is expected to revive the Green Lantern franchise. After a failed live-action adaptation in 2011, fans have been craving the comeback of the powerful cosmic heroes.

Green Lantern
Green Lantern | via Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube

Gunn has grand visions for the future of the DC universe, as the project will go beyond movie screens and dive into the narrative of various TV shows as well. As the project progresses, both Gunn and Safran have gathered a group of experienced writers and creators to develop Lanterns

New Creative Members Join Lanterns

James Gunn
James Gunn at Facebook F8 Developer’s Conference | Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Anthony Quintano

Joining the team of Lanterns is Chris Mundy, the showrunner of the hit crime drama series Ozark. Mundy’s storytelling and details in plotting and characters seem to fit Gunn’s concept for the project.

Joining him is Damon Lindelof who has previously worked as the showrunner of Zack Snyder‘s Watchmen and the timeless series Lost. The involvement of Lindelof also shows that the project will focus on creating a narrative that will engage the audience throughout.

Joining the team is Justin Britt-Gibson, who has previously worked in movies such as Into The Badlands. With Britt-Gibson’s experience in action- thrillers, he can help integrate action and suspense that will take Lanterns to another level.

Other than them, Lanterns will have Breannah Gibson and Vanessa Baden Kelly on its team of creators. Gibson has earlier worked on projects like The Penguin. On the other hand, Baden Kelly has been the executive story editor of Max’s The S*x Lives Of The College Girls.

As a team, they have rich experience and an interesting combination of genres for Lanterns. Beside this, James Gunn also wanted to create a True Detective-style mystery show where iconic Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart will solve an Earth-centric mystery that is connected to the larger plot happening across the DCU.

James Gunn Revealed Lanterns Will Be Inspired By True Detective?

Matthew McConaughey in True Detective
Matthew McConaughey in True Detective | via HBO UK YouTube

Adopting themes from the popular True Detective series is rather good and an interesting decision in any case. Matthew McConaughey’s amazing portrayal and the show’s narrative structure established a benchmark for what a mystery show can be.

The co-CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn, said in his announcement video of DCEU’s Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters that Lanterns is inspired by True Detective. He said,

So our next project is another television show, a series. We call it Lanterns, and it is starring two of our favorite Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and John Stewart. It’s gonna be with HBO Max, as all our series are that we’re gonna talk about today. And it is more of a True Detective-type mystery with our two Lanterns, a terrestrial-based mystery.

Gunn’s vision to make Lanterns a story that is character-driven and grounded instead of just a spectacle speaks to its volume. Having such an experienced creative team and wanting to create a unique show similar to one of the greatest modern TV series, True Detective, also shows that DCU is ready for a fresh reboot. Fans can expect that Lanterns might lay the foundation for a connected and vast cinematic universe that has never been seen before.

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