Previously, Zack Snyder on his Vero account hosted a watch party of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice commemorating its 4th anniversary.

The director did a live commentary of the movie, and it was a huge success. And now Snyder is going to do it again but this time’s with the blue boy scout. He recently announced that he’s hosting a Man of Steel Watch Party!

Watch Party on Vero

Snyder announced the special event on Twitter. He posted with the description, “Many of us are struggling during this difficult time. Felt it could be cathartic to come together now for a Man of Steel Watch Party and celebrate the ultimate symbol of hope.” He even invited the audience to submit some questions that he’ll answer a few after. 

The Director

The filmmaker is known for keeping his DC fans amused. He posts pics and videos, providing exclusive insight and behind-the-scenes looks on platforms like Vero.

Last time, on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder shared exciting content and experience. He showed sketches that he had for significant sequences. Above all, he teased Snyder Cut at the end of the stream.

All these lead fans to wonder if Zack Snyder will release the Cut himself as a viewing party. Well, it hasn’t happened yet. But let’s wait and see what’s coming up. So if you have never seen any of the several live viewing events he’s hosted in the past, this Man of Steel watch party is worth checking out.

About the Movie

Man of Steel is the most controversial and unique of all the Superman movies ever released. Also, it’s the movie that kick-started DCEU. This Zack Snyder directorial took the bold approach of trying to update the character and his origin for modern times. 

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The film starred Henry Cavill as supes, with Kevin Costner and Diane Lane starring as Jonathan and Martha Kent, Amy Adams as iconic love interest Lois Lane. Russell Crowe played Clark’s biological father Jor-El and Michael Shannon as General Zod.

Moreover, this Superman reboot did well, in fact, great at the global box office. Despite the mixed reviews, the movie managed to gross $668 million worldwide on an estimated budget of $225-258 million.

Sources: ComicBook, CinemaBlend

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