Jared Leto is famous for his deep commitment to method acting, who goes to great extremes to immerse himself in his roles. This dedication is what sets him apart! But that’s not limited to on-screen. The actor has a fun-loving side to him off-screen, too!

Jared Leto in The Little Things (Credits :Warner Bros. Pictures)
Jared Leto in The Little Things (Credits :Warner Bros. Pictures)

In a POV-style video called ‘You Go on a Date with Jared Leto,’ the 52-year-old acts out some quirky behaviors. He uses a flashlight to read the menu and takes random walks around the restaurant. Despite seemingly enjoying the dinner date with his loved ones, he struggled to find peace there.

Jared Leto Tries to Find Solace in a Noisy Situation

Jared Leto in a still from Panic Room
Jared Leto in a still from Panic Room (Credits: Columbia Pictures)

In a new Instagram video, Jared Leto gives viewers a peek into what a ‘date’ with him might be like, captioning it, “Why are restaurants always so loud?” Filmed from a first-person perspective, the video shows a bustling restaurant with loud music playing.

Leto is seen fidgeting, reading with a flashlight, wrapping himself in a blanket (to avoid getting cold), and taking phone calls several times in the middle. One notable moment is when he complains about the noise, going as far as using earplugs, and saying, “The only reason I can survive right now is because I have earplugs in.”

Social media users were quick to react to the video. Comments ranged from “He hears so much from around” to “Are your concerts not loud? I will bring my hearing aids in August with me.” The Bossier native’s try at being a charming date didn’t go well.

Instead of looking cool and relaxed, he seemed bothered by the loud noise. Some criticized him for overreacting, but others came to his defense. One person commented, “I think people forget he’s 50+. The man just wants peace and comfort.” Check out some more reactions:

People have a great admiration for him, and the comments show it well. Even though the lead singer of The Killer has crossed 50, he is still ready to take on new roles.

Jared Leto to Star as Charming High-Society Thief in the Upcoming Film

Jared Leto as Morbius
Jared Leto as Morbius in the titular flick (Credits: Sony Pictures Releasing)

As reported by Deadline, Jared Leto is teaming up with h.wood Media to produce and star in a new film. It’s loosely based on the life of Dr. Lawrence Gray, a retired professor suspected of being a high-society cat burglar. The Academy Award winner is all set to star as the character.

The movie is set in London, where Leto’s character charms his way into the homes of “English bluebloods and international ambassadors.” He’s after relics from the Great British Empire. According to the screenwriter, the film’s focus is on the psychology of the character.

The Hollywood star was recently seen in the AppleTV+ miniseries We Crashed and the Disney movie Haunted Mansion. He’ll next be seen in Tron: Ares, which hits theaters in October 2025.

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