The Castlevania series by Powerhouse Animation Studios made quite a ton of people fall in love with the adaptation of the cult classic game of the same name, even becoming one in its own right. With incredible fight scenes and even better writing, the Castlevania series managed to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack.

Having ended back in 2021, Castlevania had an almost perfect close to the story with tons of its viewers feeling like it did justice to the action-filled animation. However, given how much of a success the first series was, co-director, Sam Deats and writer, Warren Ellis managed to capitalize with a sequel to the show, Castlevania: Nocturne.

Sam Deats gives a peek inside his mind for Castlevania: Nocturne

Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)
Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)

Castlevania: Nocturne is based on a cult classic Konami game, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, and its sequel Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. The story takes place 300 years after the original Castlevania series during the French Revolution and follows Richter Belmont and Maria Renard as the main leads, even featuring the iconic Alucard at the end of season 1. The American Horror animated series has completed a season and is now waiting for the second.

During an interview with io9, co-director, Sam Deats dived deeper into what went under his head on how he wanted the direction of the story to go and also his take on giving the game fans a treat with the Divine Bloodline soundtrack. In the interview, he stated;

“I basically had this sequence playing out in my head all the way back at the story proposal stage, back when it was a pretty short blurb of the basic idea. I immediately imagined “Divine Bloodlines” playing in my head and Richter erupting with the Grand Cross, and everything. I had been working out Richter’s fighting style with his magic in my head even since before the story proposal, so from there it was just about solidifying those into teases of his unique fighting style within the context of the sorts of foes he was facing.”

Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)
Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)

Castlevania: Nocturne is certainly living up to all the hype set by its prequel and with how the 1st season ended, it’s exciting to see just how things will play out in the upcoming season. And for those who still have yet to watch the sequel after watching Castlevania, here are some things you can expect from Castlevania: Nocturne.

Why you should watch Castlevania: Nocturne

Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)
Castlevania Nocturne (Powerhouse Animation Studios)

For those who fell in love with the original Castlevania, it’s not surprising to miss Trevor Belmont and his crew, but Nocturne brings a new cast with great promise in monster-hunting. Richter Belmont who is a descendant of Trevor, is the main protagonist of the series, grappling with his family’s legacy and facing a new wave of supernatural threats. We are also introduced to an amazing cast assuring the fans that the Belmont legacy lives on, even without the original crew.

Castlevania: Nocturne doesn’t skimp on the action. The fight choreography is brutal and balletic, with each whip crack and sword slash feeling impactful. The sequel to Castlevania, just like its predecessor, promises quite a lot of blood-soaked battles and monstrous creatures, with breathtaking landscapes that immerse you in the world. It also builds upon the dark and gothic themes, while using the historic French Revolution as the setting.

The core theme of killing monsters still remains in Castlevania: Nocturne. However, it also delves deeper into the political intrigue of the late 1700s with more interesting characters. The sequel manages to perfectly portray the struggle between humanity and the evil that tries to control it, diving into themes of slavery, with the lines between good and evil coming into question.

You can stream Castlevania and Castlevania: Nocturne on Netflix.

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