Hailed as one of the best shonen anime series, Jujutsu Kaisen draws in fans with its complex world-building and detailed characters. The intricate power systems and social structures of the series make it a compelling watch from beginning to end. As the series introduces its readers to memorable characters and dynamic settings, it is only natural for the series to form a passionate fan community.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen has learned from the previous successful series, parsing out important information slowly and making space for fan interactions to blossom with time. Fan theories are a critical part of fan interaction because they prove that the fans are invested in the plot of the series. As such, Jujutsu Kaisen has spawned numerous fan theories in a considerably short duration.

Satoru Gojo’s Domain Is Opened Through The Occipital Lobe

Gojo Satoru
Gojo Satoru

The Jujutsu Kaisen world has a pretty complex power system, and its complexity is what draws fans into the world. Most jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits derive their powers from cursed energy and transform this energy into unique abilities and skills. Gojo Satoru is no different from the rest of the sorcerers, except he uses only one hand to execute the Domain Expansion hand seal.

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There has been a lot of debate regarding Gojo’s one-hand seal, with some claiming that it is because Gojo is the strongest sorcerer. An extensive tweet explains why Gojo Satoru has a one-handed sign for his domain and why Sukuna copied the sign. Although the reason hasn’t been confirmed by Gege Akutami yet, the tweet makes sense.

As pointed out by the X user, the only physical aspect that users Gojo apart is his Six Eyes, allowing him to see the flow of cursed energy and the ability to use that flow to read cursed techniques. It also gives him precise control over a user’s cursed energy, which is indispensable for using the Limitless technique.

As disclosed by Sukuna, the Cursed Technique is engraved in the pre-frontal lobe, the same place informational processing occurs along with other executive functions. However, this does not apply to Gojo since he uses his occipital lobe during Domain Expansion. While his technique is still imbued in the barrier, his sure hits are derived from his Six Eyes, which is associated with the occipital lobe.

Why Did Sukuna Use Gojo’s Hand Seal?


In chapter 258 of Jujutsu Kaisen, Sukuna uses a different region of his brain to manifest his domain while using Gojo’s hand seal. The X user determines that since Gojo’s Domain is opened through the occipital lobe instead of the pre-frontal cortex, touching him gives you access to the sure hit.

Gojo’s Six Eyes allows him to process infinite information, while the Limitless allows him to weaponize it. Gojo is the strongest Six Eyes and Limitless user since his technique is constantly growing with the expansion of his interpretation. This further highlights why the Six Eyes is needed to control the Limitless Technique.

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In conclusion, the Infinite Void hit is derived from his Six Eyes. Amplified by the Limitless Technique in the barrier, he can weaponize the information he processes. Sukuna recognized this and used Gojo’s unique one-handed seal which is tied to his occipital lobe, allowing him to activate his domain. This further explains why Sukuna’s domain shrine is surrounded by eyes instead of its usual appearance.

Read the latest chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen on Viz and Manga Plus.

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