WARNING: Spoilers ahead for HOTD S2

House of the Dragon Season 1 has built a great plot and interesting relationships between characters. Season 2 provides the viewers with greater insight into the war between the Greens and the Blacks for control over the seven kingdoms. However, amid all this, the relationship between Queen Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole has intrigued viewers of the series.

House of the Dragon Season 2
House of the Dragon Season 2 | via Max YouTube

Alicent Hightower is determined to get the crown for her son Aegon and is now the leader of the Greens. Her connection with Kingsguard member Ser Criston Cole also contributed to establishing a powerful duo in their conflict. As the conflict between the Greens and the Blacks goes on, their relationship has become a point of focus.

Intimacy Between Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole in House of the Dragon Season 2

House of the Dragon Season 2
Alicent Hightower in House of the Dragon Season 2 | via Max YouTube

The second season reveals a s*xual relationship between Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole. Although the show’s viewers are no strangers to intimate scenes, the development of this particular intimate relationship has caught the attention of fans. Many of the viewers believed Alicent and Criston were dating for some time because of their closeness in the previous season.

However, Olivia Cooke, who plays Alicent Hightower, said in an interview with Elle that her character is going through different emotions for the first time, and her new relationship gives her a feeling of freedom. She said,

I think for her, it represents teenagedom. It’s passion. She’s never had that. And this is someone that she’s fancied since she was a kid that Rhaenyra got to have.

And this is someone that she’s fancied since she was a kid that Rhaenyra got to have. He (Criston Cole) became this loyal guard dog who was always by her side, who protected her fiercely.

Talking about their relationship, showrunner Ryan Condal said to Elle that he always wanted to explore the dynamic between the two characters, and it was planned to reveal their intimacy in episode 1 of season 2. He said,

And that really to us kicked off what the story was, because it’s an interesting secret that they have to protect, but also it’s this moment of just a pure expression of human desire for these two people that are so bottled up and repressed.

According to Cooke, Hightower’s actions are drawn from grief, confusion, and her opportunistic spirit. In the interview, she also revealed she had a great time working with the intimacy coordinator and shooting the intimate scenes on the sets of House of the Dragon Season 2 with Fabien Frankel, who plays Criston Cole.

Ryan Condal Reveals the Origins of Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole’s Relationship

Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole in House of the Dragon season 1
Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole in House of the Dragon season 1 | Credit: Max

Many viewers believed the love story of Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole had been going on for a long time due to some projections in season 1.

In episode 9 of the first season, after Lyman Beesbury gets killed, Alicent orders Cole to find Aegon. While she is speaking, she gets closer and speaks softly to Cole, “Everything you feel for me, as your Queen…” These kinds of scenes hinted at their romantic relationship before season 2.

However, showrunner Ryan Condal said in an interview with Collider that their relationship is a relatively recent installment, and they are not as close as people might think they are. He said,

We don’t specifically get into, intentionally, when and where it started. Part of that is the fun of leaving it up to interpretation by the viewing audience. But it’s certainly a new thing, a new romance.

Later, he explained the details of the emotions that define their relationship.

The idea is that these two characters have this very stunted emotional development, particularly in the world of intimacy with a partner.

Cole, because he’s been a canned man his entire life in the order of the Kingsguard and his past sins with Rhaenyra and wearing that like a millstone around his neck. And on Alicent’s side, she was married off at 14 years old to a guy that was 20-plus years her senior.

Condal also talks about the motivations and struggling emotions that Alicent and Cole have, which gives a deeper understanding of their intimate relationship.

While season 2 continues to reveal itself, viewers can enjoy how the show will develop the story of Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole. Moreover, their relationship will be an important aspect that will define the brutal war for the throne.

House of the Dragon season 2 is now streaming on Max.

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