Sometimes the right casting can make all the difference in comic book movies. Here are ten times makers hit the jackpot when it came to accurately casting the best actors for their comic book counterparts.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

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Wisecracking and deadly in equal measure. Is it any wonder that people think of Ryan Reynolds whenever Deadpool comes to mind? The actor has now become synonymous with the character and is the subject of quite a few jokes himself in the comic books.

Ron Perlman as Hellboy

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The smart-talking sardonically witty Hellboy could not find anyone better than Ron Perlman to play him. If you’re still in doubt, might we direct you to the 2019 failure starring David Harbour?

Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach

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Jackie Earle Haley was spot on in his portrayal of the iconic vigilante. Said vigilante is an unhinged right-winger on the path of truth and justice. Brutal, uncompromising but very effective, Jackie Earle Haley’s portrayal was spot on in Zack Snyder’s 2009 adaptation of Watchmen.



JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson

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He wants pictures of Spider-Man, period. J. Jonah Jameson is an integral fixture in the world of Spider-Man. J.K. Simmons played him to perfection. He portrayed the loud, unscrupulous, cigar-smoking editor of the Daily Bugle to perfection. We might see more of him in the upcoming Spider-Man movie from Marvel Studios.


Zachary Levi as Shazam

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Zachary Levi was not everyone’s first choice to play Captain Marv- er- SHAZAM! However, cut to the release of the much anticipated film of the same name and audiences were treated to a wonderful story. Zachary Levi’s performance as the child stuck in the superhero adult’s body went over well with audiences.

KJ Apa as  Archie

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Yes, Archie has had a major upgrade and KJ Apa as the protagonist of Riverdale looks JUST LIKE HIM. From the jacket, to the hair to the dream of making music, its all there. Sure, the show doesn’t hesitate to delve into darker territory but it does make for interesting viewing.

Chris Evans as Captain America

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Critics were abound when the Human Torch was confirmed to play Captain America. However, Chris Evans put them all to rest from his first outing in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, all the way to Endgame where he finally lifted Mjolnir and uttered those two words every Marvel fan waited 11 years for: AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!

Christopher Reeve as  Superman

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The definition of perfectcasting. Christopher Reeve’s Superman was made for a different era. But it did not stop him from channeling the love and benevolence of possibly the greatest superhero ever created.

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man

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To the one that started the Infinity Saga and ended it- Here’s to you, Robert Downey Jr., for giving us a wonderful character over the course of nearly a decade and a half.

Ben Affleck as Batman

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The best live action Batman. There is no argument.The warehouse scene, the fights, the angst, all of it was wonderfully portrayed by Ben Affleck.  Hoping to see more of him soon.

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