Tom Holland, the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s heartthrob, has achieved the ideal balance of being both wholesome and incredibly sympathetic. Tom has become something of a living meme in the eyes of his fans, thanks to his press tours for the Spider-Man and Avengers flicks, as well as his internet presence. There will always be a discussion about which actor best represented Spider-Man. But, for the time being, Tom Holland is doing a great job as Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans appreciate the actor’s youthful charm in the part, which matches Peter Parker’s attitude well. Holland’s portrayal of Peter Parker/Spider-Man has resulted in some hilarious memes that fans can’t stop laughing at. It certainly helps that Holland has been dubbed a “meme-able face.” Among the numerous MCU memes that circulate the internet, Tom Holland’s portrayal of Spider-Man occasionally takes the cake. Fans will have no problem discovering a perfect comic harmony between the actor and his role in the following ten memes.

10. He’s Got The Best Poker Face:



9. The King Of Spoilers Gets Scared:



8. Polite, But Oblivious:



7. The Price Of Not Getting A Script:



6. He’s Great In Interviews:



5. Loose Lips Sink Ships:



4. He Was Pretty Amazing On ‘Lip Sync Battles’:



3. A Role Model For Us All:



2. “That’s Nice, Dear.”



1. Taking Some Inspiration From Paul Rudd:


So yes, these are the 10 Tom Holland Memes That Demonstrate He’s A Delicious Heartthrob. Well, these are some of the most hilarious memes that demonstrate he’s a delicious heartthrob. So what do you people have to say about these memes? Did you have a laugh while reading these memes? Do let us know in the comment section below. Till then, keep on reading Animated Times, the perfect place to get a closer look at the entertainment industry, upcoming movies, TV series, celebrity gossip, and much more. We’ll have you covered, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more.


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