A cinematic adaptation of a novel can likewise rejuvenate the words for the individuals who battle to envision the words on the paper. Creating a movie that replicates the novel onto the screen is not easy, there are huge obstacles that creators face.  Choosing information that is to be portrayed, sticking to the source material vs. cinematic freedom, or getting the correct tone and pace.

Reddit user r/Valor25 asked the Reddit community to list movies that are better than the books they are based on. People flooded the comments sections with their replies. We have compiled the best 17 answers. People generally say that books are always better than the movies, but some cinematic adaptations of books manage to not just bring them to life, but re-define or elevate the material, making the stories even greater.

1) Jaws (1975)


A lot of the tension in the film is not present in the book as the guys hunting the shark go home every night in the book whereas, in the film, they’re on the boat the whole time. Also, everyone in the novel is a terrible person.

Posted by r/MysteryGirlWhite

2) Jojo Rabbit (2019)

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Jojo Rabbit was way better than Caging Skies. The book was so bleak that it probably wouldn’t have been adapted otherwise.

Posted by r/THACC-

3) The Notebook (2004)


The flair and charisma Rachel McAdams brought to her character were not present in the book.

Posted by r/cleo1844

4) Shawshank Redemption (1994)


This four-part novella, released by Stephen King, was very short but very well-written. The movie really captured the spirit of the story better and gave some depth to the characters. Plus, the acting was great.

Posted by r/jonny_walkman

5) The Godfather (1972)

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The book written by Mario Puzo was good, but the cinematic adaptation was exceptional.

Posted by r/TerryGAdkinson

Also read: The Funniest Godfather Memes You Cannot Refuse to Laugh At

6) Big Fish (2003)



The movie dives into the wondrous world of the father’s outrageous stories, whereas the book lacks all that lavish imagination. Instead, it’s just a bitter retelling from a spoiled child who thought his daddy didn’t love him enough.

Posted by r/cavaliereternally

7) Arrival (2016)


The book was good but it is just that the movie was better at telling that story overall.

Posted by r/GreatTragedy

8) The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

The Silence of the Lambs

The book was good but it becomes tedious to read when the author describes everything in too much detail. The filmmakers were right to cut a lot of it out of the movie.

Posted by r/dcbluestar

9) Children of Men (2006)

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The book basically had no scope. The movie was a million times better.

Posted by r/garglebum

10) Shrek (2001)


They took a 36-page book children’s book and turned it into one of the greatest movies of all time.

Posted by r/krakrocks

11) Fight Club (1999)


The book was written in a bizarre manner making it a dull read. The book was short but had a better ending.

Posted by r/Driver_goon

12) Holes (2003)


This book was a part of many people’s childhood. The movie did the book justice.


13) Blade Runner (1982)


The novel was good, but the movie had the perfect tone.  Deckard was written much better in the film.

Posted by r/mindfeces

14) Matilda (1996)

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The title character was well-written and a lot more likable in the film than in the book.

Posted by r/Bethlizardbreath

15) Jurassic Park (1993)

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The build-up to the first time we see the T-Rex just wasn’t as intense on the page as it was on the screen. The movie was much better because created more suspense than the book.

Posted by r/The_mightiest_peanut

16) American Psycho (2000)


The movie did an amazing job of portraying how insane he was without going overboard. the book had passages that were just plain monotonous.

Posted by r/xArbilx

17) Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)


While both the movie and book were utterly atrocious. In comparison, the film was better than the book because you didn’t have to listen to her awful inner monologue.

Posted by r/Sarcastic-Me


Think any other movie which is better than the book should be here? Let us know about it in the comment section!


Source: BuzzFeed

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