There are times when certain movies or TV shows get way deeper than they should. We have gathered the best quotes from pretty much, unexpected sources like movies and kids’ TV shows, cheesy TV shows, cartoons, and even rom-coms.

Here are the best ones!

1. This line about scars is so deep we see Adele rolling in it. Just kidding! But, this line from Criminal Minds HAD US ALL!


2. This very simple yet so deep phrase from Finding Nemo. Actually, this whole movie is quite beautiful.


3. Peggy’s strong speech about her self-worth on the show Agent Carter.


“In Agent Carter, Peggy says, ‘I know my own value. Anybody else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.’ It was really inspiring, and I love how strong and badass Peggy is in the face of loss, sexism, and supervillains.”

4. This question by Jeff on Community is actually quite deep for a sitcom like Community.


5. Remember how Angel’s epiphany on Angel had us all? I mean, just read this….


6. This quote from Futurama, of all possible places!


7. The lesson we all learned from The Lion King!


8. The Office is known for such quotes throughout its tenure. However, this quote from Andy literally had us all thinking.


9. Don’t even get us started on Bojack Horseman! This show was full of such good points.


10. This surprising bit of wisdom from Homer in The Simpsons. This was actually an unexpectedly sweet sentiment.


11. We all loved WandaVision and some of its quotes were simply outstanding. Here’s one from Vision himself!


12. Well, you can call this quote a bit overused, but it’s still quite good from Spider-Man.


13. This bit of encouragement from Melissa on Teen Wolf.


14. My Big Fat Greek Wedding had its fair share of fun moments. Here are some touching words from Toula’s mother.


15. This list cannot be complete without the mention of Doctor Who. This line from the Doctor himself stands out.


16. This somewhat profound declaration by Logan on a Gilmore Girls episode.


17. Black Panther was actually an unexpectedly brilliant film by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Killmonger’s last words, however, are going to stick with us for a while.


18. Last but not least, Rebekah’s statement about living on The Vampire Diaries.


So there you have it. 18 Times When TV Shows and Movies Went Too Deep. Well, despite the fact that these are somewhat normal lines, they literally have deep and dark meanings behind them. So did you guys like our pics? Which among these is your favorite line with a deep meaning behind it? Do let us know in the comments down below. Till then, keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination for learning more about the entertainment industry, new movies, TV series, celebrity gossip, and so much more.

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