5 Actors Who Have A Twin Sibling You Didn’t Know About
You think you know about these actors and then BOOM! One fine day you get to know that some of the actors are twins? And, we didn’t even know about it before!? Well, that’s because some of these celeb twins choose to away from the limelight. And, that’s fair enough since we know how bad paparazzi can get. Moreover, they didn’t sign up for the invasion of their privacy just because their twin sibling is an actor. Duh! So, here’s a list of 5 actors who have a twin sibling (maybe) you didn’t know about. Check it out!
1. Vin Diesel And Paul Vincent

Don’t get confused because of the surnames and of course the face. Vin Diesel is originally named Mark Sinclair Vincent. He has a non-identical twin brother, Paul Vincent. Even though both the brothers are in the entertainment industry, Paul prefers to stay out of the limelight.
2. Scarlett Johansson And Hunter Johansson

Little did we know that Scarlett Johansson has a twin brother. Maybe we were blind not to recognize him on the red carpet when he accompanied her. Well, it is never too late. Hunter Johansson helps with political campaigns and loves spending his time doing charities. In 2008, he helped to get President Obama elected.
3. Laverne Cox And M Lamar

Remember how Laverne Cox broke all stereotypes and became famous for her role in “Orange Is The New Black” as Sophia Burset? She is transgender and played the same in the movie. However, in the movie, before she transitioned to Sophia, she was Marcus, a firefighter. His transformation from Sophia was Marcus was applaudable! But the truth is, Marcus was played by her identical twin brother, M Lamar who is a musician.
4. Ashton Kutcher And Michael Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher has a twin brother named Michael Kutcher. In one of the interviews, Ashton revealed that his twin brother Michael was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at a very young age and also had to undergo a heart transplant during his teenage years. Ashton expressed that “It taught me that loving people isn’t a choice and that people aren’t actually all created equal.”
5. Rami Malek And Sami Malek

Sami and Rami Malek are identical twins and they used it to the best of their advantage. Rami Malek is an actor, best known for his works in “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Mr. Robot“. Whereas, Sami Malek is a professional teacher. Rami on a talk show revealed that they used to look so similar that they would switch places when required. However, by the age of 18 years, they started to look less similar!