5 Major Problems With Disney’s New Star Wars Universe
These days Disney is filled with upcoming projects including films and shows. A lot of MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) content has graced its streaming platform Disney Plus over the past years. And the never-ending Star Wars saga is also always ready for a new story in the franchise or a stand-alone movie. Unquestionably there is a lot on the studio’s plate.
However, if it’s Star Wars franchise’s history is considered closely, a lot of possible issues can arise regarding the recent schedule for three upcoming Star Wars films. And the main issue has mostly to do with three films under 18 months amid tons of already-existing Star Wars content.
Upcoming Star Wars Film Schedule And Its 5 Major Issues

The Star Wars film franchise is finally returning with three new movies. The schedule was recently revealed showing that two of the three films will release in the same year which is 2026. And the third one will be released in the following year in 2027. However, three films in under only 18 months seemingly have various possible issues that could arise.
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The first one would be the May release of one of the 2026 scheduled films. Looking at Solo:A Star Wars Story (2018) which flopped at the box office making only around 329 Million dollars against a budget of 237 million dollars was released in May. Before that the seventh film in the Skywalker saga, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) was also slated for a May release, however, due to a change in the director the date was pushed to a December release. The movie fared very well at the box office and so did its following two sequels.

The second issue that could arise is “Star Wars fatigue”. With so many shows and spin-offs regarding the franchise on streaming platforms and such all the time, there is hardly a lack of Star Wars content for the fans. Therefore getting three films under 28 months might be an overkill causing fatigue among viewers.
The third major problem is the confusion the three films may come with. It has been reported that “There is no strong overarching narrative connecting the three films”. This might confuse some fans as to which ownership of the previous films is required to be watched to understand the particular new film.
The fourth issue could be that no two Star Wars movie have ever been released by Disney in the same year. A six-month gap between Solo (2018) and The Last Jedi (2017) and their box-office performance gap is enough to tell why it is a bad idea. Lastly, the fifth major issue with the schedule would be the marketing risk of having two films in the same year. There could be a shift in the date if the first one is not received warmly at the box office. Juggling two films in the same year could be a lot of stress.
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More on The Star Wars Franchise

Star Wars created by George Lucas is undoubtedly one of the biggest space opera and multimedia franchises. Since its beginning in 1977, the franchise has never stopped getting films and shows based on it. More than 4 decades have passed and the popularity is as strong as ever even with the strong franchise of the MCU all around.
The franchise has released tons of films that have included trilogies within trilogies. And in addition to that many spin-offs such as The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, etc, and tv show content are available for fans to savor.
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Source: Screen Rant