5 “Really Bad” Films That Had AT Least One Great Scene
It’s not an everyday sight that films do not have not much to offer. Even those with negative reviews like Batman vs Superman and the Star Wars prequels – all have one good scene, at least. In a few rare cases, that one scene alone is worth the price.
5. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice – Opening Scene

Shunned down by a bloated runtime, some bad scenes, aimless attempts at building a universe. The film received a lot of negative reviews, with a really 29% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, however, the opening scene of the film which introduces Bruce Wayne is quite remarkable.
This offers the viewers the controversial battle from Man of Steel’s final moments and also managed to characterize Bruce. While many run away from the chaos, Bruce can be seen running into it, with a hope to save people. This also establishes the reason why Bruce dislikes Superman.
4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine – The Opening War scene

The first solo film from the franchise of X-Men – Wolverine got really bad reviews and a terrible score of 37% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, it perfectly sets the stage for his standalone adventures in a beautiful way.
Logan alongside his brother Victor Creed spent ages fighting in several wars together which includes the World Wars, American Civil War and the Vietnam War. Maybe, Fox should have made a film of Wolverine in World War II or Vietnam than giving him a generic origin story.
3. The Matrix Reloaded – Freeway Chase

The first Matrix film was groundbreaking in many ways. It came out as an achievement in cinema but its sequels didn’t fare as well. The film Matrix Reloaded found itself in the list of “25 Worst Sequels” ever made by Entertainment Weekly.
However, the sequel lacks the right storytelling and themes that are thought-provoking, however, having a lot of action-packed in it – something that most James Bond films are known for. One scene, in particular, is the freeway chase scene. It features Trinity zipping her bike through the traffic while Morpheus fights two twins on a moving trucks’ roof.
2. The Man with the Golden Gun – The Last Duel

Roger Moore did seven James Bond films. Out of them all, the Man with the Golden Gun is seen as the worst. This film was more like a homage to martial arts which was very popular back then. The villain is Scaramanga, played by Christopher Lee – a great actor squandered in a really bad movie.
However, despite the film’s bad points, it culminates into quite a delightful finale. Most Bond films end with fighting sequences, but this just shows a one-on-one duel between Scaramanga and Bond.
1. Spider-Man 3: Sandman

Spider-Man 3 by Sam Rami had a lot of villains. From Venom to Green Goblin, the film was stacked with antagonists, however, the third villain in the film, Sandman turns out to be extremely sympathetic. He turns to a criminal life to pay for his daughters’ treatment and ends up being imbued with sand-based powers.
Watching someone realize that he’s now made of nothing but sand is kinda disheartening. He even tries to pick up his daughter’s locket but it keeps slipping out.