5 Things That Prove Tom Holland Is The Best Spider-Man
The world cannot get enough of Spider-Man right now and for all the right reasons. Marvel and Sony finally gave what the fans wanted for so long with Spider-Man: No Way Home and the movie was simply impeccable. There were debates when Tom Holland was cast as the new Spider-Man because he seemed too young. Some even went to the lengths to call him incapable of playing that role. Well, years later, those opinions have surely changed. Today, we will talk about some of the reasons why Tom Holland is actually the best Spider-Man.
Note: No disrespect to Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield, they were awesome!
1. Stan Lee Highly Approves Of Tom Holland

Stan Lee, the father of Marvel, personally approved of Tom Holland to be the new Spider-Man. He did not shy away from taking to Twitter and publicly announcing that Holland is everything he wants his Spider-Man to be. Andrew and Maguire were great in their performances without a doubt, but the guy who made Spider-Man approved of Tom. Moreover, his performance lives up to the expectations too. Check out Stan Lee’s tweet:
Thanks very much Stan. It all started with you sir. Looking forward to catching up soon bud https://t.co/KbF5HSxJAo
— Tom Holland (@TomHolland1996) May 20, 2018
2. Learnt From The Greatest

Well, like it or not, Holland had the privilege to see how to play the character both in Maguire’s threequel, and Andrew’s movies. He learnt from Maguire’s shy-kid-but-know-it-all performance to a goofy yet confident take of Andrew’s. This gave Holland a large spectrum to base his performance on and it all boils down to the point in No Way Home when he actually matures. Growing up on these movies and the comics have made Holland fall in love with the character and it just shows.
3. Actually Fits The Description

Originally, Peter is a teenager who is STILL in school. Both, in Tobey and Andrew’s performance they clearly looked older, the reason being they were 27 and 29 years old, respectively. But Tom Holland was literally 19 years old which gave him the upper hand, such as body built, height, and more. As seen in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter is now done with school and paving his road to college, all while being under 30 (for the actor).
4. Amazing Chemistry With Co-Stars

Considering Holland is fairly young when compared to his co-stars (in the bigger MCU), he always shows respect to them. His chemistry with his co-stars, such as Robert Downey Jr. and more is as good off-screen as it is on-screen. This has further led to some great MCU moments because the ongoing chemistry just came flourishing to the screen. For example, his chemistry with RDJ was clear in all his scenes with Iron Man and his brief interaction with Captain America, as great as it was, showed that they were comfortable with each other off-screen as well.
5. He Brought Spider-Man Back To The MCU

When it was announced in 2019 that Sony Pictures Entertainment and Walt Disney Studios will not be working on the live-action movie of Spider-Man, it wasn’t easy for the fans. People were furious and had finally lost all hopes of seeing Spider-Man in the MCU for the longer run. But the real reason for their continuous working relationship was later on revealed by Disney’s former CEO Bob Iger during an interview with Jimmy Kemmel he said:
“Tom reached out to folks who work for me and said ‘Could I please have Bob’s email address or phone number?’ Of course, I’m very protected so they were very careful, and I said ‘Sure, have him contact me.’ And he did. It was clear that he cared so much, and actually we care a lot about him.”