The Matrix Resurrections, like other installments in the series, has received mixed reviews. And it’d be odd if Warner Bros. didn’t anticipate this in the first place, given that the picture may be considered offensive to certain fans of the original film. Nonetheless, despite some dubious character motivations and apparently infinite story flaws, the fourth Matrix picture has a lot to admire.

Not only that, but it outperforms the original in certain areas. Resurrections outperforms its predecessors in many ways, whether it’s the chemistry between Neo and Trinity, Morpheus becoming a fashionista or the sociological satire on media usage.

Keanu’s Acting Skills

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While Carrie Anne-Moss, Laurence Fishbourne, and Hugo Weaving gave amazing and memorable performances in the first Matrix film and its two sequels, Reeves left a lot to be desired. It’s no secret that Reeves wasn’t the finest actor in the world in the ’90s, which is why his lines have become so memorable.

But, after 20 years, the actor has found his feet. In Resurrections, Reeves provides his strongest performance as Neo yet, whether it’s his chemistry with Anne-Moss or his characteristic Reeves-isms. However, there is still a noticeable absence of “Woah” in the new picture.

Post Credit Scene

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Until now, there has never been a post-credits sequence in a Matrix film, with the exception of the teaser for The Matrix Revolutions tacked on at the conclusion of Reloaded. And, while the little sequence may be divisive, it’s nonetheless entertaining and serves as a sort of pay-off for spectators who have been sitting through the credits for 15 minutes.

The post-credits sequence is more reminiscent of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off than Iron Man. The sequence isn’t meant to build up the following film, as most post-credit scenes do, but rather to provide some light relief. Back at Deus Machina, one developer advises developing a video series called The Catrix in order to discover a new market to enter.

The CGI Effects Are Better


The digital effects in The Matrix, and even more so in Reloaded, were so pioneering that they permanently changed action movies, and even some films today can’t reproduce such moments. However, CGI has gone a long way since 2003, and while the effects in The Matrix Resurrections aren’t as innovative as those in its predecessors, they are still superior.

While Bullet Time was thrilling to see at the time, in today’s film industry, every blockbuster film employs hundreds of digital effects creators. That also applies to Resurrections, thus the CGI will certainly be improved.

The Love Story Hits Right

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Neo and Trinity have always been a power couple, creating enough energy to power Machine City while they’re together, as described in Resurrections. Despite the fact that they were fantastic together and had chemistry from the start, the 2021 release feels more genuine than ever.

Some argue that The Matrix is a flawed masterpiece rather than a flawless one because Trinity resurrecting Neo with a kiss defies logic. And, while their connection makes even less sense in Resurrections, there’s no denying that they have chemistry throughout the film from the minute they rejoin. Even though they don’t know each other when they first meet, it feels as if they’ve known each other forever.

Characters Other Than Mains Are Brilliant

Matrix New Cast

The first trilogy had characters like Niobe and the Kid, but the new film introduces a slew of intriguing supporting characters in addition to the main three. Bugs is the most intriguing of them all, and aside from her style, she contributes much to the film.

There are also all of Tom Anderson’s workers at the video game business Deus Machina, who are all delightfully over-the-top nerds. Even Trinity’s husband, Chad (Chad Stahelski), played by the director of the John Wick franchise, is an odd but fascinating addition to the cast.

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