Who doesn’t love the good character development in every film and television series that we see, as it makes the character feel more relevant? However, are you aware that makeup and costume are as important as acting? A nice combination can take away the heart of the most difficult audiences. And in every movie production, the alteration of character appearance will happen at least a few times.

However, there are times when these changes come from the actors directly. This could be the case as it’s way too exposed and the makeup doesn’t really fit the novel description, or it isn’t scientifically accurate. Regardless of the reasons, these changes work wonders and contribute to the success of the films.

Elizabeth Olsen: Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch

In 2018, Elizabeth Olsen manifested an all-new Scarlet Witch outfit design. As told by Olsen to Elle in 2018, she wishes that she could change her Scarlet Witch costume. Olsen stated, “It would just not be a cleavage corset. I like corsets, but I’d like it to be higher. Everyone has these things that cover them — Tessa Thompson does, Scarlett [Johansson] does. I would like to cover up a bit.”

She went on, “It’s funny because sometimes I look around and I’m just like — wow, I’m the only one who has cleavage, and that’s a constant joke because they haven’t really evolved my superhero costume that much.” But when WandaVision came along, Olsen got the opportunity to help turn her vision (get it? sorry) into reality. Series director Matt Shakman told Entertainment Tonight that Olsen would test her costumes and say, “OK, I can do this move and I can’t do this move. And I need to be able to do this move.”


Jason Isaacs: Harry Potter

Jason Isaacs
Jason Isaacs

At the time, Jason Isaacs was chosen as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter saga, the actor was “slightly horrified” by Lucius’ original look, which had a “pinstripe suit” and “short black-and-white hair.”

Isaacs said, “He was a racist, a eugenicist. There’s no way he would cut his hair like a Muggle, or dress like a Muggle.” Lucius’ long white hair and the walking staff he uses to conceal his wand were specially mentioned by the actor.


Pedro Pascal: Narcos


Pedro Pascal had revealed that his Narcos character Javier Pea’s dress was slightly out-of-date gear for one reason: he didn’t believe the era-appropriate outfits looked good on him.

Pascal revealed in a recent interview, “‘Cause it takes place in the eighties, and all that eighties clothes just looks like, I look like I was playing dress-up, I look like a kid, I look like a child-like I just got lost in it, and, um, I looked like a dork.”

He went on, “And so I came up with this idea. I was like, ‘You know, let’s just say Javier Peña is like Don Draper in that, like, the seventies is his like that was where he really found himself and he can’t really, and so he’s stuck there. He’s not throwing those pants out, he’s not changing his hair, he’s not changing his shoes. It’s his time and he’s gonna look like that until the day he dies. That was my justification.”


David Tennant: Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Doctor Who

David Tennant revealed in an interview at PaleyFest in 2018 that he insisted on dressing “really old, battered, cream-colored Converse shoes” as the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who, even though it was an “unpopular choice” with the series’s powers-that-be.

The Tenth Doctor was supposed to wear boots at first. Tennant stated: “They’re beautiful. They’re beautiful boots. But I want to wear these crappy old trainers. … That was the only thing I absolutely insisted on, battered old shoes because that always just felt like that was the right thing to do. I’m glad I did.”


Emma Watson: Beauty and the Beast

Emma Watson
Emma Watson

Jacqueline Durran, who worked as the costume designer on Beauty and the Beast, told THR that Emma Watson, who played the role of Belle, requested that the princess’ clothing will be updated to give her be an “active heroine.”

Said Durran, “Belle would not be wearing a corset, and she had to be comfortable as she needed to be able to move and ride a horse. It was a conundrum incorporating these elements.” Durran went on to create the clothing of Belle by substituting her boots for heels and adding bloomers rather than sticking to skirts or dresses.



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