The absolute most notable horror movies have had prequel series investigating their twisted origins. At the point when a Horror film with a vital villain turns into a box-office hit, it can prompt unlimited continuations. In the end, fans will need to return and see the villain’s origin in a prequel because it’s the most fascinating piece of the character’s story. Today, TV has become a road for horror establishments to extend their folklore and foster character, which most Horror Movie sequels don’t possess energy for. With TV prequel arrangements getting mainstream over the previous decade, a few horror legends have had their origin stories developed on the small screen. Thus we at Animated Times have compiled a list of the best of them. Sound interesting? If yes, then let’s hop into the list and find out.

6. Bates Motel:



5. Hannibal:



4. Fear The Walking Dead:



3. Ratched:



2. Castle Rock:



1. Freddy’s Nightmares:


So yes, these are the 6 Best TV Prequels of Horror Movies That You Must Watch. Well, these are some of the best prequels that I have come across. Especially I loved watching Hannibal and Fear The Walking Dead; they both are masterpieces. So what do you guys want to say about it? Let us know in the comment section below what you think about these prequels. Until then, keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination, on getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies, and TV Series or celebrity gossips, and much more stuff; we have got you all covered. So continue reading animated times, guys, for more.

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