“Cinema is not only about making people dream. It’s about changing things and making people think.” -Nadine Labaki.

There is a great deal of film reboots emerging from Hollywood nowadays. While some have become stunning hits, others have totally tumbled. Nowadays, Hollywood is notorious for its constant flow of reboots that are delivered every year. Reboots are movie producers’ efforts to handle a frequently once-mainstream establishment or arrangement and revamp them for current crowds. With the steady torrent of spin-offs, remakes, and reboots that Hollywood sends crowds’ ways lately, it’s simple for contemporary watchers to feel overpowered and oversaturated by films that aren’t totally unique. Notwithstanding, this doesn’t mean reboots ought to be dismissed and disregarded no matter what. Suppose a reboot is drawn closer with center and care and is given the right talents behind and before the camera. In that case, a reboot can significantly develop the first source material in various ways. The absolute most acclaimed and delighted in motion pictures in enduring memory are really reboots, demonstrating that because a film isn’t unique, that doesn’t mean it’s an automatic disaster. Now and again, however, reboots are actually that. While a portion of the more well-known films lately is rebooted, so are the most significant failures. A considerable amount of minimal evaluated films by critics in the previous few years have been reboots. Regardless of whether their creations are excessively goal-oriented, misinformed, or tremendously sluggish, reboots can get a great deal wrong from multiple points of view and become gigantic lemons all the while. So we at Animated Times have curated a list. This list will separate reboots on the two finishes of the range and list the best and worst of the worst in film reboots. Sounds interesting? If yes, then Let’s hop on this list and find out about such movies.

12. Love: Ghostbusters (2016):



11. Didn’t love: Hellboy (2019):



10. Love: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017):



9. Didn’t love: The Mummy (2017):



8. Love: Little Women (2019)



7. Didn’t love: Men in Black: International (2019):



6. Love: Scooby-Doo (2002):



5. Didn’t love: The Jungle Book (2016):



4. Love: It (2017):



3. Didn’t love: The Great Gatsby (2013):



2. Love: Beauty and the Beast (2017):



1. Didn’t love: Cabin Fever (2016):


So yes, these are the 6 Movie Reboots That Fans Loved & 6 Reboots That Fans Didn’t. Some of these movies, despite being reboot was loved by fans worldwide and were real blockbusters. Even I loved the reboot of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle more than the original one. But few of these reboots were a total disaster like Cabin Fever. Do you agree with me? Which among these is your favorite rebooted movie? Do let us know in the comment section down below. Until then, keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination, on getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies, and TV Series or celebrity gossips, and much more stuff; we have got you all covered. So continue reading animated times, guys, for more.

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