There have been several successful comic book movie adaptations over the years. It’s easy to understand why superhero series have taken over popular culture with so many excellent characters and a plenty of source material to draw from. Even in the finest stories, though, there are certain to be a few loose ends. We gathered several narrative holes from some of our favorite superhero flicks that made us ask “Huh?” from unsolved questions to character peculiarities. Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? If so, tell us about the plot gaps that made you scratch your head!

6. Diana Should Know About Marriage:


Diana in Wonder Woman can quote Socrates in Ancient Greek, yet she has no idea what marriage is. This is ridiculous because Socrates talked a lot about marriage. Not to mention, Hera is the goddess of marriage, and Wonder Woman frequently references her in other media.

5. Janet Van Dyne Should Not Have Aged In The Quantum Realm:


Thus, many… MANY times in Ant-Man and the Wasp, they said that time doesn’t pass in the quantum world, so ageing shouldn’t be an issue because time doesn’t exist there. They even presented examples of objects that had not aged… So, what’s the deal with the wife’s age? She should be around 30 years old.

4. Gotham PD Never Removed The Joker’s Makeup In An Attempt To Figure Out His Identity:


With its investigative task force, it’s no surprise that Gotham is rife with crime. In The Dark Knight, approximately halfway through the film, the soon-to-be Commissioner Gordon, with the assistance of Batman, eventually captures The Joker. They take The Joker back to the police station to find out who he is. They try everything: fingerprints, DNA, dental records, clothes brands, etc., but they never acquire a definite identity from him. Wait a minute… they went straight for DNA testing before even wiping the Joker’s clown make-up? That would be the first apparent step if I wanted to find out who a disguised person was, right?

3. The Good That The Avengers Do Should Have Outweighed The Bad During The Accords Process:


Cut them some slack in Captain America: Civil War… The Sokovia Accord, which served as the foundation for the Civil War film and the conflict between Iron Man and Captain America, was predicated on the Avengers being regarded by global governments as irresponsible and dangerous, despite the fact that they have done much more good than damage on every occasion. Every event in which innocent people were slain that was described in the meeting room would have been indisputably far worse if the Avengers hadn’t been present. The council would have destroyed New York City, the Hydra helicarriers would have murdered millions, Sokovia would have been a planet-ending meteor, and the Crossbones explosion would have occurred at ground level, where there would have been many more victims. Sure, government officials are searching for someone to blame for these events, but the Avengers have a very good track record in terms of lives saved and lives lost. Wasn’t this brought up throughout the Accord process?

2. Clark Kent Should Not Have Been Able To Get A Job At The ‘Daily Planet’:


Clark Kent is the new intern at the Daily Planet at the end of Man of Steel. How is it even possible? He’s a high school dropout from some random Kansas town. How in the world did he obtain an internship at America’s most respected newspaper? The only possible explanation is the Lois got him the job, but when Perry introduces Clark as the new intern, she is stunned to see him there.

1. Bane Should Have Known That Bruce Wayne Was Back In Gotham:


The main plot-holes/questions are as follows: How come Bane appears to be the last member of his crew to learn that Bruce Wayne has returned to Gotham? Shouldn’t he have known sooner? Shouldn’t someone have mentioned that to him? This information would undoubtedly be VITAL to Bane’s scheme succeeding. Set-up: Batman battles Bane and loses. Bane’s soldiers are all watching. During this period, Bane declares that Bruce Wayne is Batman and confirms his claim by blowing up his business headquarters, displaying a slew of Batman memorabilia. As a result, Bane’s soldiers are aware that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Bruce is banished to The Pit, partly to torment Wayne and partly to keep Bruce from foiling the plot from reaching Gotham. But Bruce reappears. Bane doesn’t find out until the night before the bomb goes off, which is approximately 6-8 hours after he was apprehended, unarmed, and unmasked. Bane notices the blazing bat emblem and says sceptically, “Impossible…” Those precious hours, during which Bane had no idea Bruce had returned, enabled Bruce to suit up, toy with Gotham’s bridge, rescue Gordon from the ice, and save 2,000 officers. If Bane learns that an unarmed Bruce Wayne has been imprisoned, I believe we can all agree that there is ZERO chance Bane will let Bruce go suit up. Talia/Miranda is one of the first individuals to learn that Bruce has returned to town. Nonetheless, she does not inform Bane. Remember, Talia was the mole who tipped Bane and his men off to the Special Forces covert operatives, allowing Bane and his men to neutralize the SF danger. Why not notify Bane of Bat-freaking-return? A man’s Not only that, but why wouldn’t Talia tell Bane for sh*ts and giggles? Remember, Bruce murdered her father; this is all personal, and she employs Bane to weaken Batman. But suddenly, an unarmed, street-clothed Bruce Wayne appears, and she doesn’t inform Bane or anyone else? Keeping Bane in the dark about Bruce’s return is perhaps, and maybe clearly, the ENTIRE reason why Bane and Talia’s plot failed.

So yes, these are the 6 Superhero Movie Plot Gaps That Are Difficult To Ignore. Well, I’m pretty sure that you might have noticed these plot gaps in these six movies, and if not, then here they are. Did you know any of them? Do let us know in the comment section down below. For the time being, keep on reading Animated Times, the ideal site to learn about the entertainment business, new movies, TV shows, celebrity gossip, and much more. We’ll keep you updated, and you can find us on Instagram and Facebook.

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