Irrespective of the fact whether you have seen Money Heist or not, we all know who the Professor is!

Alvaro Morte has been phenomenal while portraying “The Professor” and has now gained not only million of followers on social media but also fans all over the world. But he wasn’t always famous and even though he has been acting for years, he wasn’t always this famous. Here are some things about his life, not all know!

1. He Owns a Theatre Company

Alvaro Morte

Alvaro is a businessman as well. He and Blanca own a theater company in Spain known as 300 Pistolas. They founded the same in 2012.

2. He is an Engineer

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Alvaro has plan B, unlike many others in the industry. Before he became a full-time actor, Alvaro was an engineer. He is a qualified communications engineer, which is quite relatable to the role he plays in Money Heist.

3. He Gave Five Auditions To Get The Role Of Professor

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To get the role of El Professor, Alvaro Morte had to compete for the position with many other actors. He had to beat A-listers such as Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist fame) and even Michael Scofield (Prison Break’s fame). The directors wanted a 50-year-old man who looked like a Harvard professor to get the role; however, that was 5 years above Morte’s real age at that ti,e.

The directors had worked previously with him so wanted to recommend him very fast. But he had to make his place and as a result, he gave auditions five times in two months. He failed almost every time until nailing his 5th attempt.

The reason he failed the first time was that he initially thought Money Heist would be a copy of Ocean’s Eleven and he thought he needed to be more like George Clooney, but thankfully he got it right.

4. He is a Professor IRL

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Fans refer to him as El Profesor in public but he might not have any academic qualifications like that to be called as the “Professor”. But he is a professor in one sense as he delivers lectures to students on literature and Stage Management at Tampere University in Finland, where he studied on scholarship after his studies in Spain.

There are not many details about his role at this university, but it is said that he gives part-time lectures there.

5.  He Has Mixed Emotions On The Money Heist’s Success


Being on such a popular show like Money Heist has its perks and changes professional life for Alvaro. The show has opened up many doors for him but he is still not sure about it. He revealed in an interview that, on a professional level it had changed many things for him considering he has many projects in hand due to the show and he is extremely grateful for the same. But when it comes to his personal space, he has been having a difficult time since he feels as if he has lost his secrecy. He feels as if he and his family are always being watched and he needs to protect them as much as he can.


6. He Has Twins!

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No matter how famous he is worldwide, he is a dedicated family man. He and his wife Blanca Clemente have twins. He does regret that due to his busy work schedule, he is not able to spend much family time with them as he would like.

7. He’s BFFs With Pedro Alonso

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Pedro Alonso and Alvaro Morte made an amazing connection when they met on the sets of Money Heist for the first season. They both have had quite long careers in Spain but never had a chance to work on big projects together.

According to the original scripts, The Professor and Berlin were not brothers, but they requested it to be changed that way!

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