Disney introduced us all to the world of magic. Making our childhood way too special, while seeing those kingdoms and colorful sceneries, and well, the beautiful princesses.

It made us all imagine the most wonderful things we don’t get to see here in the real actual world.

However, it is the Princesses who always take the center stage and it’s about time for us to also give due credit to the Princes who played a vital role in their respective stories.

Are you really excited to see what the Princes looked like after the “happily ever after”? Have you wondered what their child might look like? We have your answers:

A Russian artist, Oksana Pashchenko showed us that Princes should not be forgotten. Here are 8 Princes of Disney’s most remarkable stories of all time:

Pashchenko did great work in reimagining these 8 Princes Disney characters, giving us a new view to begin imagining the characters that made our childhood special.

If you end up being impressed with these pictures, you may check out Bored Panda for more of Pashchenko’s works.

Hope you enjoy these!

#1 Prince Henry And His Daughter


The daughter looks really adorable wearing her mom’s glass shoes. Cinderella must be super proud of this.


#2 Prince Adam Of Beauty And The Beast

Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast

She is definitely the mini-me of her mom. Belle was right all the time. Adam does have a kind heart.


#3 Hercules While Doing His Daughter’s Hair

She surely got her pretty looks from her mom.

Hercules: Meg, Honey…can you help me on this please?

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#5 Aren’t They Charming?

She definitely got her looks from her dad.

We didn’t know that Prince charming also know how to bake. Impressive!


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#6 Aladdin Trying Out A Carpet Ride With His Son

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They are on a magical carpet ride.

Aladdin is probably telling his son how his mom enjoyed the carpet ride for the first time.


#7 Prince Eric Giving His Daughter A Bath

We all know here name is Melody.

Melody surely loves the water.





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